No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NvitalContains classes and functions used within the Vital synthesizer framework
 CAboutSectionAn overlay section that displays application information, device settings, and UI scaling options
 CAppLogoDisplays the application's logo using paths and gradients
 CAudioFileDropSourceA helper class for handling drag-and-drop of audio files into a JUCE component
 CAudioFileViewerA component for visualizing and interacting with an audio waveform
 CAuthenticationA no-op stub implementation used when authentication is disabled
 CAuthenticationSectionA stubbed-out AuthenticationSection for builds without authentication
 CBankExporterA UI component for exporting a selection of presets, wavetables, LFOs, and samples as a bank
 CBarEditorAn interactive component that allows editing individual bars in a bar graph visually
 CBarRendererA renderer for drawing a series of bars using OpenGL
 CBendSectionA UI section containing both pitch and modulation wheels
 CBorderBoundsConstrainerA specialized ComponentBoundsConstrainer that applies border constraints and maintains aspect ratios for the Vital GUI window
 CChorusSectionA UI section for editing chorus effect parameters
 CChorusViewerA visual display showing chorus delay lines based on the current settings
 CCompressorEditorA graphical interface component for editing a multiband compressor's thresholds and ratios
 CCompressorSectionA UI section for configuring a multiband compressor effect
 CContentListDisplays a list of files (presets, wavetables, LFOs, samples) that can be selected and exported as a bank
 CControlWheelA specialized SynthSlider representing a wheel control (pitch or modulation)
 CCurveLookAndFeelA specialized LookAndFeel class for drawing curve-shaped rotary sliders
 CDefaultLookAndFeelA base LookAndFeel class providing default styling for UI elements
 CDelayFilterViewerA viewer that displays and allows interaction with the delay effect's filter response
 CDelaySectionA UI section providing controls for a delay effect, including tempo-synced delays, filters, and mixing
 CDeleteSectionAn overlay that asks the user to confirm deletion of a preset file
 CDistortionFilterResponseAn OpenGL renderer showing the frequency response of the distortion's filter
 CDistortionSectionA UI section for configuring a distortion effect, including type, drive, mix, and filtering
 CDownloadSectionAn overlay component handling the download and installation of factory content and packs
 CDragDropEffectOrderA container managing multiple DraggableEffect components, allowing reordering via drag and drop
 CDraggableEffectA UI component representing an individual effect that can be enabled, disabled, and rearranged
 CDraggableFrameA visual frame representing a single wavetable keyframe, which can be dragged by the user
 CDragMagnifyingGlassA draggable magnification control for the envelope editor
 CDualPopupSelectorA popup for selecting from a hierarchical set of items in two columns
 CEffectsContainerA container holding all the effect sections, painting their background and shadows
 CEffectsInterfaceA UI component that displays and manages all effects sections and their ordering
 CEffectsViewportA specialized Viewport that notifies listeners when the visible area changes (i.e., when scrolled)
 CEnvelopeEditorA graphical editor for envelope shapes with interactive points and power curves
 CEnvelopeSectionA UI section for configuring and visualizing ADSR envelopes
 CEqualizerResponseA visualization component for an equalizer or filter response curve
 CEqualizerSectionA UI section for configuring a 3-band equalizer with selectable modes (Low, Band, High)
 CExpiredSectionA section overlay that displays an expiration message for a beta version of the plugin
 CExtraModSectionA section that displays additional modulation controls for the synthesizer, including macro knobs and other modulations
 CFileSourceA WavetableComponent that uses an external audio sample as its source
 CFileSourceOverlayAn overlay UI component for editing FileSource Wavetable components
 CFilterResponseDisplays the frequency response of various filter models in Vital
 CFilterSectionA graphical user interface component representing a filter section in the synthesizer
 CFlangerResponseRenders a visual representation of the flanger effect's filter response
 CFlangerSectionA GUI section representing the flanger effect in the synthesizer
 CFontsA singleton class providing access to a set of custom fonts
 CFrequencyFilterModifierA WavetableComponent that applies frequency-domain filtering to a wavetable frame
 CFrequencyFilterOverlayOverlay UI for editing a frequency filter modifier in a wavetable
 CFullInterfaceThe main GUI container for the entire synthesizer interface
 CHeaderSectionThe topmost section of the synthesizer GUI, displaying the logo, tab selector, preset controls, oscilloscope, and more
 CHeadlessSynthA headless subclass of SynthBase that provides a critical section and pausing capability
 CIncrementerButtonsA pair of buttons for incrementing and decrementing a Slider's value
 CInvisibleSliderA slider with no visible UI, used internally
 CKeyboardInterfaceA UI section of the synthesizer interface that displays and handles a virtual MIDI keyboard
 CLeftAlignedScrollBarA ScrollBar variant that is aligned to the left side when vertical
 CLfoEditorAn editor component for displaying and editing an LFO (Low-Frequency Oscillator) shape
 CLfoSectionA user interface section that displays and controls an LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) in the synthesizer
 CLineEditorA GUI component for editing and visualizing a user-defined line shape (curve or envelope)
 CLineGeneratorA class for generating and storing a line shape, defined by a series of points and associated powers
 CLineMapEditorA specialized LineEditor that visualizes and optionally animates a line-to-value mapping
 CLoadingWheelAn OpenGlQuad subclass that displays a rotating "loading" animation
 CLoadSaveA utility class for loading and saving configuration, preset, and state data for the Vital synthesizer
 CLogoSectionA section at the top of the interface displaying the Vital logo
 CMacroKnobSectionA section of the UI dedicated to displaying and editing multiple macro knobs
 CMacroLabelA custom label for displaying macro names
 CMasterControlsInterfaceA top-level UI component that contains various sections for configuring the synthesizer
 CMidiKeyboardA visual and interactive MIDI keyboard component
 CMidiManagerHandles all incoming MIDI messages and directs them to the synthesizer engine
 CModulationAmountKnobA specialized SynthSlider that represents a single modulation amount control
 CModulationButtonA component representing a modulation source or connection button
 CModulationExpansionBoxA popup box that displays multiple ModulationAmountKnob controls in a grid
 CModulationInterfaceA user interface section for managing and viewing various modulation sources like envelopes, LFOs, and random generators
 CModulationManagerA top-level section for managing all modulation connections, amounts, and related UI components
 CModulationMatrixThe main modulation matrix component displaying multiple modulation rows and related controls
 CModulationMatrixRowRepresents a single row in the modulation matrix, showing source, destination, and associated parameters
 CModulationMeterA visual component that displays the current modulation amount applied to a slider parameter
 CModulationSelectorA specialized slider-like component allowing selection of modulation sources or destinations from a popup menu
 CModulationTabSelectorA section of the GUI providing multiple modulation sources as tabs
 CModulationViewportA specialized viewport for the modulation matrix allowing for scroll listeners
 CModWheelA modulation wheel control, typically for controlling modulation depth
 COpenGlAutoImageComponentA template class that wraps a given ComponentType and automatically redraws an OpenGlImageComponent on mouse events
 COpenGlBackgroundA class that manages and renders a background image using OpenGL
 COpenGlButtonComponentA specialized OpenGL component for rendering various styles of buttons
 COpenGlComponentA base component class that integrates JUCE's Component with OpenGL rendering
 COpenGlCornersA set of quads forming rounded corners, used to render corner shapes via OpenGL
 COpenGlDeviceSelectorA device selector component rendered using OpenGL for improved performance
 COpenGlHyperlinkA hyperlink button rendered with OpenGL support
 COpenGlImageA utility class for rendering a single image using OpenGL
 COpenGlImageComponentA component that uses OpenGL to render a cached image of a JUCE component or custom drawing
 COpenGlLineRendererA component for rendering lines with optional filling and boost effects using OpenGL
 COpenGlMultiImageA component for rendering multiple image quads using OpenGL
 COpenGlMultiQuadA component for rendering multiple quads using OpenGL, with customizable colors, rounding, and other effects
 COpenGlQuadA convenience class for a single quad rendered via OpenGL
 COpenGlScrollBarA ScrollBar that uses OpenGlMultiQuad for rendering its visual indication
 COpenGlScrollQuadA specialized quad used as a scroll indicator, responding to hover and scroll changes
 COpenGlShapeButtonA ToggleButton that uses an OpenGlShapeButtonComponent for its rendering
 COpenGlShapeButtonComponentA specialized OpenGL component for rendering a shape-based button
 COpenGlSliderAn extended JUCE Slider that leverages OpenGL for rendering
 COpenGlSliderQuadA specialized OpenGlQuad for rendering a slider using OpenGL
 COpenGlTextEditorA text editor that uses an OpenGlImageComponent for rendering and updates the image on text changes
 COpenGlToggleButtonA ToggleButton that uses an OpenGlButtonComponent for its rendering
 COpenGlWrapperA helper struct containing references to OpenGL context, shaders, and display scale
 COscillatorAdvancedSectionA UI section that provides advanced oscillator controls, including oscillator options and unison settings
 COscillatorOptionsA section providing toggleable oscillator options such as MIDI tracking and high-resolution wavetables
 COscillatorSectionA UI section representing an oscillator in the synthesizer
 COscillatorUnisonA section providing control over unison parameters such as blend, detune range, stereo spread, and other spreads
 COscilloscopeRenders a time-domain waveform using OpenGL
 COverlayA SynthSection that displays an overlay with a background and optional listeners
 COverlayBackgroundRendererA component that renders a full-screen overlay background using OpenGL
 CPaintPatternSelectorA specialized TextSelector that draws a visual pattern instead of text
 CPathsA utility class providing static functions to generate various SVG-based or programmatic paths
 CPeakMeterViewerA visual component to display a peak meter using OpenGL
 CPhaseEditorA UI component for interactively editing a phase value using a horizontal dragging gesture
 CPhaseModifierA WavetableComponent that modifies the phase of frequency components in a wavetable frame
 CPhaseModifierOverlayOverlay UI for editing a PhaseModifier's parameters in the wavetable editor
 CPhaserResponseVisualizes the frequency response of the phaser effect
 CPhaserSectionA UI section for controlling a phaser effect in the synthesizer
 CPitchDetectorA utility class for estimating the pitch (fundamental period) of a given audio signal segment
 CPitchWheelA pitch wheel control, typically for controlling pitch bending
 CPlainShapeComponentA component that draws a shape into an OpenGlImageComponent
 CPlainTextComponentA text component rendered into an OpenGlImageComponent with configurable font and justification
 CPopupBrowserA popup browser interface for browsing and selecting files (e.g. presets)
 CPopupClosingAreaA transparent area that triggers a closing event when clicked
 CPopupDisplayA small popup component that displays text in a styled bubble
 CPopupItemsA hierarchical structure of popup menu items for a selector component
 CPopupListA scrollable, selectable popup list of items
 CPortamentoSectionA UI section for controlling portamento (glide) settings in a synthesizer
 CPresetBrowserA UI for browsing, loading, and organizing presets
 CPresetInfoCacheA cache for preset metadata such as author and style for faster repeated lookups
 CPresetListA UI component displaying a list of presets with sorting, filtering, and favorite management
 CPresetSelectorA UI component for selecting presets within the synthesizer
 CRandomSectionA section of the UI dedicated to controlling a random mod source, such as a random LFO
 CRandomViewerVisualizes the random modulation source as a waveform line renderer
 CReverbSectionA UI section for controlling and visualizing reverb parameters
 CSampleSectionA UI section for managing and editing a sample source
 CSampleViewerA UI component for visually displaying and interacting with an audio sample waveform
 CSaveSectionA UI overlay for saving presets or other files
 CSelectionListA scrollable file/folder selection list that supports nested folders and favorites
 CShadersManages and provides access to vertex and fragment shaders used by the OpenGL rendering pipeline
 CShepardToneSourceA WaveSource that constructs a special looped waveform reminiscent of a Shepard tone
 CSingleMacroSectionRepresents a single macro knob and associated controls (label, edit button, source button)
 CSinglePopupSelectorA popup for selecting a single item from a list
 CSkinManages the overall color and value theme (or "skin") of the user interface
 CSkinDesignerA DocumentWindow that allows interactive editing of the Skin
 CSlewLimiterOverlayAn overlay for editing SlewLimitModifier parameters in the wavetable editor
 CSlewLimitModifierA WavetableComponent that applies slew-rate limiting to a wave’s time-domain signal
 CSpectrogramRenders a frequency-domain representation (spectrogram) using OpenGL
 CSpreadVisualizerA visualization component for unison voice spread of various oscillator parameters
 CStartupA utility class that handles initialization tasks and compatibility checks upon Vital’s startup
 CSynthApplicationThe main application class for Vital's standalone version
 CSynthBaseA base class providing foundational functionality for the Vital synthesizer’s engine, UI integration, modulation system, MIDI mapping, and preset management
 CSynthButtonA specialized OpenGlToggleButton with additional functionality for the Vital synth
 CSynthComputerKeyboardProvides a computer-keyboard-based MIDI input mechanism for the Vital standalone application
 CSynthEditorThe main editor component for the SynthPlugin audio processor
 CSynthesisInterfaceA top-level synthesis section that combines oscillators, samples, and filters
 CSynthGuiDataA struct holding references and data used by the GUI to interact with the SynthBase
 CSynthGuiInterfaceAn interface class linking the Vital synthesizer backend (SynthBase) with a GUI
 CSynthPluginAn AudioProcessor implementation for a synthesizer plugin
 CSynthPresetSelectorA UI section that allows the user to select, load, save, and browse presets, and manage associated resources
 CSynthSectionBase class for all synthesizer sections, providing UI layout, painting, and interaction logic
 CSynthSliderA specialized slider with extended functionality for modulation, parameter control, popup menus, and text entry
 CTabSelectorA slider-based UI component that displays selectable tabs
 CTempoSelectorA slider component that allows selection between different tempo modes (seconds, tempo, dotted, triplet, keytrack)
 CTextLookAndFeelA custom look and feel class that renders UI elements with text-focused styling
 CTextSelectorA specialized SynthSlider that displays a popup menu of text options
 CTransposeQuantizeButtonA button component that shows the current transpose quantization state and opens a callout to edit it
 CTransposeQuantizeCallOutA callout component that allows selecting which notes are quantized for transposition
 CTuningA class for managing microtonal tunings and custom pitch mappings in Vital
 CTuningSelectorA specialized TextSelector for selecting tuning systems or loading custom tuning files
 CUnisonViewerA component for visualizing unison voices distribution and detune
 CUpdateCheckSectionA UI overlay for checking software or content updates
 CUpdateMemoryA singleton class that keeps track of whether an update check should be performed
 CValueBridgeA parameter bridge that connects a vital::Value to an AudioProcessorParameter, allowing the host to manipulate and automate internal values within the Vital synth engine
 CVoiceSectionA UI section for controlling various global voice parameters
 CVolumeSectionA UI section that provides a master volume control and visual peak meters
 CVolumeSliderA custom slider for controlling the output volume
 CWaveFoldModifierA WavetableComponent that applies a wave-folding transformation to a waveform
 CWaveFoldOverlayAn overlay for controlling a WaveFoldModifier in the wavetable editor
 CWaveLineSourceA WavetableComponent that generates waveforms from a series of line segments
 CWaveLineSourceOverlayAn overlay for controlling a WaveLineSource in the wavetable editor
 CWaveSourceA WavetableComponent that acts as a direct source of waveforms
 CWaveSourceEditorA graphical editor for manipulating a single-cycle waveform's sample values
 CWaveSourceKeyframeA keyframe that holds a single WaveFrame and supports various interpolation methods
 CWaveSourceOverlayProvides an overlay for editing WaveSource objects in the Wavetable component
 CWavetable3dOpenGL-based component for visualizing wavetables in different formats
 CWavetableComponentA base class representing a component in a wavetable synthesis chain
 CWavetableComponentFactoryFactory class for creating and identifying different types of WavetableComponents
 CWavetableComponentListA UI component that lists and manages the wavetable sources and modifiers
 CWavetableComponentOverlayA base overlay component for editing and interacting with a wavetable component's parameters
 CWavetableComponentViewportA Viewport subclass that notifies listeners when the visible area changes
 CWavetableCreatorA class responsible for creating complete wavetables from groups of wavetable components
 CWavetableEditSectionA UI section for editing, visualizing, and managing wavetables
 CWavetableGroupA class representing a group of WavetableComponents combined to form part of a wavetable
 CWavetableKeyframeRepresents a single state of a waveform at a specific position in a wavetable
 CWavetableOrganizerManages the display and interaction of wavetable keyframes and groups on a timeline
 CWavetableOverlayFactoryA factory class for creating and configuring overlay components for wavetable editing
 CWavetablePlayheadA UI component representing a playhead position over a range of frames in a wavetable editor
 CWavetablePlayheadInfoA UI component that displays the current playhead position in a wavetable editor
 CWaveWarpModifierA WavetableComponent that applies nonlinear horizontal and vertical warping to a waveform
 CWaveWarpOverlayAn overlay interface component for modifying wave warp parameters in a wavetable editor
 CWaveWindowEditorA UI component that allows editing of a windowing function applied to a waveform
 CWaveWindowModifierA WavetableComponent that applies a windowing function to a waveform’s head and tail
 CWaveWindowOverlayAn overlay interface component for modifying a windowed section of a wavetable