| UnisonViewer (int index, const vital::output_map &mono_modulations, const vital::output_map &poly_modulations) |
| Constructs a UnisonViewer.
void | setVoicesSlider (SynthSlider *slider) |
| Sets the slider for voices.
void | setDetuneSlider (SynthSlider *slider) |
| Sets the slider for detune.
void | setDetunePowerSlider (SynthSlider *slider) |
| Sets the slider for detune power.
void | render (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate) override |
| Renders the unison visualization.
| BarRenderer (int num_points, bool vertical=true) |
| Constructs a BarRenderer.
virtual | ~BarRenderer () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | init (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) override |
| Initializes the renderer with an OpenGL context.
virtual void | destroy (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) override |
| Destroys any allocated OpenGL resources.
void | setColor (const Colour &color) |
| Sets the color of the bars.
void | setScale (float scale) |
| Sets the scaling factor for the bars.
void | setOffset (float offset) |
| Sets an offset applied to the bar positions.
void | setBarWidth (float bar_width) |
| Sets the relative width of each bar.
void | setNumPoints (int num_points) |
| Updates the number of points (bars) to display.
float | getBarWidth () |
| Gets the current bar width factor.
float | xAt (int index) |
| Gets the x-position of the top-left vertex of the given bar.
float | rightAt (int index) |
| Gets the x-position of the top-right vertex of the given bar.
float | yAt (int index) |
| Gets the y-position of the top-left vertex of the given bar.
float | bottomAt (int index) |
| Gets the y-position of the bottom-left vertex of the given bar.
force_inline void | setX (int index, float val) |
| Sets the x-position for all vertices of a specific bar.
force_inline void | setY (int index, float val) |
| Sets the top y-position of a specific bar.
force_inline void | setBottom (int index, float val) |
| Sets the bottom y-position of a specific bar.
void | positionBar (int index, float x, float y, float width, float height) |
| Positions a bar at a specific rectangle.
void | setBarSizes () |
| Updates the bar sizes based on their positions and scaling.
void | setPowerScale (bool scale) |
| Enables or disables power scaling of bar heights.
void | setSquareScale (bool scale) |
| Enables or disables square scaling of bar heights.
force_inline float | scaledYAt (int index) |
| Gets the scaled y-value of a bar at a given index.
force_inline void | setScaledY (int index, float val) |
| Sets the scaled y-value at a specific index.
force_inline void | setAdditiveBlending (bool additive_blending) |
| Enables or disables additive blending for the bar rendering.
| OpenGlComponent (String name="") |
| Constructs an OpenGlComponent.
virtual | ~OpenGlComponent () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | resized () override |
| Called when the component is resized.
virtual void | parentHierarchyChanged () override |
| Called when the component's parent hierarchy changes.
void | addRoundedCorners () |
| Adds rounded corners to the component's edges.
void | addBottomRoundedCorners () |
| Adds rounded corners only at the bottom of the component.
void | renderCorners (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate, Colour color, float rounding) |
| Renders the corner shapes using the given color and rounding amount.
void | renderCorners (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate) |
| Renders corners with default body color and rounding.
virtual void | paintBackground (Graphics &g) |
| Paints a standard background for the component.
void | repaintBackground () |
| Requests a repaint of the component's background on the OpenGL layer.
Colour | getBodyColor () const |
| Retrieves the component's body color.
void | setParent (const SynthSection *parent) |
| Sets a pointer to the parent SynthSection for skin value lookups.
float | findValue (Skin::ValueId value_id) |
| Finds a float value from the skin associated with this component's parent.
void | setSkinValues (const Skin &skin) |
| Applies the skin overrides to this component's colors.
void | setSkinOverride (Skin::SectionOverride skin_override) |
| Sets a skin override to control the component's color scheme.
force_inline void | checkGlError () |
| Checks for and asserts that there are no OpenGL errors.
void | setBackgroundColor (const Colour &color) |
| Sets the background color of the component for painting operations.
static vital::poly_float | getOutputsTotal (std::pair< vital::Output *, vital::Output * > outputs, vital::poly_float default_value, bool animate) |
| Calculates total output values from given output pairs.
static bool | setViewPort (Component *component, Rectangle< int > bounds, OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) |
| Sets the OpenGL viewport to match a specified rectangle within a component.
static bool | setViewPort (Component *component, OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) |
| Convenience overload that sets the viewport for the entire component's local bounds.
static void | setScissor (Component *component, OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) |
| Sets the OpenGL scissor region to the entire component's local bounds.
static void | setScissorBounds (Component *component, Rectangle< int > bounds, OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) |
| Sets the OpenGL scissor region to a specified rectangle within a component.
static std::unique_ptr< OpenGLShaderProgram::Uniform > | getUniform (const OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, const OpenGLShaderProgram &program, const char *name) |
| Retrieves a uniform from the shader program if it exists.
static std::unique_ptr< OpenGLShaderProgram::Attribute > | getAttribute (const OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, const OpenGLShaderProgram &program, const char *name) |
| Retrieves an attribute from the shader program if it exists.
static String | translateFragmentShader (const String &code) |
| Translates a fragment shader code snippet to be compatible with the current GL version.
static String | translateVertexShader (const String &code) |
| Translates a vertex shader code snippet to be compatible with the current GL version.
A component for visualizing unison voices distribution and detune.
This class extends BarRenderer to display a representation of unison voices and their detuning visually. It pulls modulation data from outputs and adjusts the bar rendering accordingly.