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OpenGlImage Class Reference

A utility class for rendering a single image using OpenGL. More...

#include <open_gl_image.h>

Public Member Functions

 OpenGlImage ()
 Constructs an OpenGlImage with default settings.
virtual ~OpenGlImage ()
void init (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl)
 Initializes the OpenGL buffers and shader attributes needed for rendering the image.
void drawImage (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl)
 Draws the image to the current OpenGL context.
void destroy (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl)
 Releases any OpenGL resources allocated by this object.
void lock ()
 Locks the internal mutex for thread-safe operations.
void unlock ()
 Unlocks the mutex previously locked with lock().
void setOwnImage (Image &image)
 Sets the image from an owned copy.
void setImage (Image *image)
 Sets the image to render without taking ownership.
void setColor (Colour color)
 Sets the color tint applied to the image.
void setPosition (float x, float y, int index)
 Sets a specific vertex position by index.
void setTopLeft (float x, float y)
 Sets the top-left corner position of the image quad.
void setBottomLeft (float x, float y)
 Sets the bottom-left corner position of the image quad.
void setBottomRight (float x, float y)
 Sets the bottom-right corner position of the image quad.
void setTopRight (float x, float y)
 Sets the top-right corner position of the image quad.
int getImageWidth ()
 Gets the width of the currently set image.
int getImageHeight ()
 Gets the height of the currently set image.
void setAdditive (bool additive)
 Enables or disables additive blending mode.
void setUseAlpha (bool use_alpha)
 Enables or disables alpha blending.
void setScissor (bool scissor)
 Enables or disables scissor test when drawing the image.

Detailed Description

A utility class for rendering a single image using OpenGL.

The OpenGlImage class manages loading an Image into an OpenGL texture and provides methods for drawing that image in a specified position using OpenGL. It supports thread-safe image updates and can apply various blending modes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OpenGlImage()

OpenGlImage::OpenGlImage ( )

Constructs an OpenGlImage with default settings.

◆ ~OpenGlImage()

OpenGlImage::~OpenGlImage ( )


Ensures that OpenGL resources are properly released if still allocated.

Member Function Documentation

◆ destroy()

void OpenGlImage::destroy ( OpenGlWrapper & open_gl)

Releases any OpenGL resources allocated by this object.

open_glThe OpenGlWrapper that provides the OpenGL context.

◆ drawImage()

void OpenGlImage::drawImage ( OpenGlWrapper & open_gl)

Draws the image to the current OpenGL context.

open_glThe OpenGlWrapper that provides the OpenGL context.

The image is drawn using the currently set vertex positions, color, and blending mode. If a new image was provided, it will load it before drawing.

◆ getImageHeight()

int OpenGlImage::getImageHeight ( )

Gets the height of the currently set image.

The image height in pixels.

◆ getImageWidth()

int OpenGlImage::getImageWidth ( )

Gets the width of the currently set image.

The image width in pixels.

◆ init()

void OpenGlImage::init ( OpenGlWrapper & open_gl)

Initializes the OpenGL buffers and shader attributes needed for rendering the image.

open_glThe OpenGlWrapper that provides the OpenGL context and shaders.

◆ lock()

void OpenGlImage::lock ( )

Locks the internal mutex for thread-safe operations.

Call unlock() to release the lock.

◆ setAdditive()

void OpenGlImage::setAdditive ( bool additive)

Enables or disables additive blending mode.

additiveTrue for additive blending, false for normal blending.

◆ setBottomLeft()

void OpenGlImage::setBottomLeft ( float x,
float y )

Sets the bottom-left corner position of the image quad.

◆ setBottomRight()

void OpenGlImage::setBottomRight ( float x,
float y )

Sets the bottom-right corner position of the image quad.

◆ setColor()

void OpenGlImage::setColor ( Colour color)

Sets the color tint applied to the image.

colorThe tint color.

◆ setImage()

void OpenGlImage::setImage ( Image * image)

Sets the image to render without taking ownership.

imagePointer to an Image, must remain valid during the usage.

No copy is made. The provided image must remain valid while this object uses it.

◆ setOwnImage()

void OpenGlImage::setOwnImage ( Image & image)

Sets the image from an owned copy.

imageThe image to copy and use internally.

A copy of the image is made and stored internally. This is thread-safe.

◆ setPosition()

void OpenGlImage::setPosition ( float x,
float y,
int index )

Sets a specific vertex position by index.

xThe x-coordinate in normalized device space.
yThe y-coordinate in normalized device space.
indexThe starting index in the position vertex array (0, 4, 8, 12).

◆ setScissor()

void OpenGlImage::setScissor ( bool scissor)

Enables or disables scissor test when drawing the image.

scissorTrue to enable scissor test, false to disable.

◆ setTopLeft()

void OpenGlImage::setTopLeft ( float x,
float y )

Sets the top-left corner position of the image quad.

xThe x-coordinate in normalized device space.
yThe y-coordinate in normalized device space.

◆ setTopRight()

void OpenGlImage::setTopRight ( float x,
float y )

Sets the top-right corner position of the image quad.

◆ setUseAlpha()

void OpenGlImage::setUseAlpha ( bool use_alpha)

Enables or disables alpha blending.

use_alphaTrue to respect image alpha, false to ignore it.

◆ unlock()

void OpenGlImage::unlock ( )

Unlocks the mutex previously locked with lock().

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