A slider component that allows selection between different tempo modes (seconds, tempo, dotted, triplet, keytrack).
| TempoSelector (String name) |
| Constructs a TempoSelector and sets initial rendering mode.
void | mouseDown (const MouseEvent &e) override |
void | mouseUp (const MouseEvent &e) override |
void | paint (Graphics &g) override |
void | valueChanged () override |
| Called when the slider value changes (the mode changes). Shows or hides linked sliders accordingly.
void | setFreeSlider (Slider *slider) |
void | setTempoSlider (Slider *slider) |
void | setKeytrackTransposeSlider (Slider *slider) |
void | setKeytrackTuneSlider (Slider *slider) |
bool | isKeytrack () const |
| SynthSlider (String name) |
virtual void | mouseDrag (const MouseEvent &e) override |
virtual void | mouseEnter (const MouseEvent &e) override |
virtual void | mouseExit (const MouseEvent &e) override |
virtual void | mouseDoubleClick (const MouseEvent &e) override |
virtual void | mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent &e, const MouseWheelDetails &wheel) override |
virtual void | focusLost (FocusChangeType cause) override |
String | getRawTextFromValue (double value) |
String | getSliderTextFromValue (double value) |
String | getTextFromValue (double value) override |
double | getValueFromText (const String &text) override |
double | getAdjustedValue (double value) |
double | getValueFromAdjusted (double value) |
void | setValueFromAdjusted (double value) |
virtual void | parentHierarchyChanged () override |
| Called when the parent hierarchy changes, updates references to synthesizer.
virtual double | snapValue (double attemptedValue, DragMode dragMode) override |
void | textEditorTextChanged (TextEditor &) override |
| TextEditor::Listener overrides for handling text entry.
void | textEditorReturnKeyPressed (TextEditor &editor) override |
void | textEditorFocusLost (TextEditor &editor) override |
void | setSliderPositionFromText () |
| Sets the slider position from the current text in the text editor.
void | showTextEntry () |
| Shows the text entry box for manual value entry.
virtual bool | shouldShowPopup () |
virtual void | drawShadow (Graphics &g) |
void | drawRotaryShadow (Graphics &g) |
void | snapToValue (bool snap, float value=0.0) |
void | setScalingType (vital::ValueDetails::ValueScale scaling_type) |
vital::ValueDetails::ValueScale | getScalingType () const |
void | setStringLookup (const std::string *lookup) |
void | setScrollEnabled (bool enabled) |
const std::string * | getStringLookup () const |
void | setUnits (const String &units) |
String | getUnits () const |
String | formatValue (float value) |
void | setDefaultRange () |
| Sets the default parameter range based on the parameter details.
void | addSliderListener (SliderListener *listener) |
void | showPopup (bool primary) |
void | hidePopup (bool primary) |
void | setPopupPlacement (BubbleComponent::BubblePlacement placement) |
void | setModulationPlacement (BubbleComponent::BubblePlacement placement) |
BubbleComponent::BubblePlacement | getPopupPlacement () |
BubbleComponent::BubblePlacement | getModulationPlacement () |
void | notifyGuis () |
| Notifies GUI listeners of a value change.
void | handlePopupResult (int result) |
void | setSensitivity (double sensitivity) |
double | getSensitivity () |
Rectangle< int > | getModulationMeterBounds () const |
bool | hasModulationArea () const |
Rectangle< int > | getModulationArea () const |
void | setModulationArea (Rectangle< int > area) |
bool | isModulationBipolar () const |
bool | isModulationStereo () const |
bool | isModulationBypassed () const |
void | setTextHeightPercentage (float percentage) |
float | getTextHeightPercentage () |
float | mouseHovering () const |
std::vector< vital::ModulationConnection * > | getConnections () |
void | setMouseWheelMovement (double movement) |
void | setMaxDisplayCharacters (int characters) |
void | setMaxDecimalPlaces (int decimal_places) |
void | setTextEntrySizePercent (float width_percent, float height_percent) |
void | setTextEntryWidthPercent (float percent) |
void | setShiftIndexAmount (int shift_amount) |
void | setShowPopupOnHover (bool show) |
void | setPopupPrefix (String prefix) |
void | setPopupSuffix (const juce::String &suffix) |
void | setKnobSizeScale (float scale) |
float | getKnobSizeScale () const override |
void | useSuffix (bool use) |
void | setExtraModulationTarget (Component *component) |
Component * | getExtraModulationTarget () |
void | setModulationBarRight (bool right) |
bool | isModulationBarRight () |
void | setDisplayMultiply (float multiply) |
void | setDisplayExponentialBase (float base) |
void | overrideValue (Skin::ValueId value_id, float value) |
float | findValue (Skin::ValueId value_id) const override |
void | setAlternateDisplay (Skin::ValueId id, float value, vital::ValueDetails details) |
vital::ValueDetails * | getDisplayDetails () |
OpenGlComponent * | getTextEditorComponent () |
| OpenGlSlider (String name) |
virtual void | resized () override |
| Called when the component is resized. Updates colors and display values.
void | parentHierarchyChanged () override |
| Called when the parent hierarchy changes. Used for retrieving parent sections.
void | paintToImage (bool paint) |
bool | isText () const |
bool | isTextOrCurve () const |
bool | isModulationKnob () const |
bool | isRotaryQuad () const |
bool | isHorizontalQuad () const |
bool | isVerticalQuad () const |
OpenGlComponent * | getImageComponent () |
OpenGlComponent * | getQuadComponent () |
void | setMaxArc (float arc) |
void | setModulationKnob () |
| Marks this slider as a modulation knob.
void | setModulationAmount (float modulation) |
float | getModulationAmount () const |
bool | isBipolar () const |
bool | isActive () const |
void | setBipolar (bool bipolar=true) |
void | setActive (bool active=true) |
virtual Colour | getModColor () const |
virtual Colour | getBackgroundColor () const |
virtual Colour | getUnselectedColor () const |
virtual Colour | getSelectedColor () const |
virtual Colour | getThumbColor () const |
int | getLinearSliderWidth () |
void | setSliderDisplayValues () |
| Sets the slider display values (positions, sizes) based on current style.
void | redoImage (bool skip_image=false) |
void | setColors () |
| Updates internal colors based on the current skin and state.
void | setAlpha (float alpha, bool reset=false) |
void | setDrawWhenNotVisible (bool draw) |
SynthSection * | getSectionParent () |
A slider component that allows selection between different tempo modes (seconds, tempo, dotted, triplet, keytrack).
The TempoSelector integrates with other sliders (e.g., a free-slider for seconds mode, tempo-slider for tempo modes, and keytrack sliders for keytrack mode) to show/hide them depending on the selected mode.