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vital::cr Namespace Reference


class  Add
 Control-rate addition of two values. More...
class  BilinearInterpolate
 Control-rate bilinear interpolation between four corner values. More...
class  Clamp
 Control-rate clamping of a single value. More...
class  Cube
 Control-rate operator cubing a single value. More...
class  Cubic
 Control-rate operator computing x^3 + offset. More...
class  ExponentialScale
 Raises scale_ to the power of the input value (clamped to [min_, max_]). More...
class  Feedback
 A control-rate variant of the Feedback processor. More...
class  FrequencyToPhase
 Converts a frequency to a normalized phase increment (freq / sample_rate). More...
class  FrequencyToSamples
 Converts a frequency to a period in samples (sample_rate / freq). More...
class  Interpolate
 Control-rate interpolation between two values based on a fraction. More...
class  LowerBound
 Clamps a single control value to be at least min_. More...
class  MagnitudeScale
 Converts a dB value to a linear magnitude at control rate. More...
class  MidiScale
 Converts a MIDI note (in semitones) to a frequency at control rate. More...
class  Multiply
 Control-rate multiplication of two values. More...
struct  Output
 A specialized Output that always runs at control rate (buffer_size = 1). More...
class  Quadratic
 Control-rate operator computing x^2 + offset. More...
class  Quart
 Control-rate operator raising a single value to the 4th power. More...
class  Quartic
 Control-rate operator computing x^4 + offset. More...
class  Root
 Control-rate operator computing sqrt(x) + offset. More...
class  SmoothValue
 A control-rate version of the SmoothValue that smooths values at control rate instead of audio rate. More...
class  Square
 Control-rate operator squaring a single value. More...
class  TimeToSamples
 Converts a time in seconds to a number of samples (time * sample_rate). More...
class  UpperBound
 Clamps a single control value to be at most max_. More...
class  Value
 A control-rate variant of the Value processor. More...
class  VariableAdd
 Control-rate version of summing multiple inputs into one. More...