The main editor component for the SynthPlugin audio processor. More...
#include <synth_editor.h>
Public Member Functions | |
SynthEditor (SynthPlugin &synth) | |
Constructs the SynthEditor. | |
void | paint (Graphics &) override |
Paints the editor background. | |
void | resized () override |
Called when the editor is resized. | |
void | setScaleFactor (float newScale) override |
Sets a new scale factor for the GUI. | |
void | updateFullGui () override |
Forces a full GUI update. | |
SynthEditor (bool use_gui=true) | |
Constructs a SynthEditor. | |
~SynthEditor () | |
Destructor. Cleans up resources, shutting down audio and dismissing menus. | |
void | prepareToPlay (int buffer_size, double sample_rate) override |
Prepares the audio engine to begin playing. | |
void | getNextAudioBlock (const AudioSourceChannelInfo &buffer) override |
Callback for the audio device. Processes incoming audio and MIDI. | |
void | releaseResources () override |
Releases resources allocated for audio playback. | |
void | paint (Graphics &g) override |
Called to repaint any custom graphics, which are not currently used here. | |
void | resized () override |
Called when the component is resized. Resizes internal GUI components if present. | |
const CriticalSection & | getCriticalSection () override |
Returns the critical section used for thread-safe operations. | |
void | pauseProcessing (bool pause) override |
Pauses or resumes audio processing by locking or unlocking the critical section. | |
SynthGuiInterface * | getGuiInterface () override |
Returns a pointer to the GUI interface of this synth. | |
AudioDeviceManager * | getAudioDeviceManager () override |
Returns a pointer to the AudioDeviceManager for this standalone app. | |
void | timerCallback () override |
Timer callback used to periodically scan for new MIDI devices. | |
void | animate (bool animate) |
Enables or disables animation in the GUI (e.g., for meters or visualizations). | |
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SynthGuiInterface (SynthBase *synth, bool use_gui=true) | |
Constructs the SynthGuiInterface, optionally creating a FullInterface GUI. | |
virtual | ~SynthGuiInterface () |
Destroys the SynthGuiInterface, cleaning up any associated GUI resources. | |
SynthBase * | getSynth () |
Returns the SynthBase instance this interface is managing. | |
virtual void | updateGuiControl (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value) |
Updates a single GUI control to reflect a new parameter value. | |
vital::mono_float | getControlValue (const std::string &name) |
Retrieves the current value of a named control from the synth. | |
void | notifyModulationsChanged () |
Notifies the GUI that modulation connections or states have changed. | |
void | notifyModulationValueChanged (int index) |
Notifies the GUI that a specific modulation's value changed. | |
void | connectModulation (std::string source, std::string destination) |
Connects a modulation source to a destination parameter through the GUI. | |
void | connectModulation (vital::ModulationConnection *connection) |
Connects a modulation using a pre-existing ModulationConnection object. | |
void | setModulationValues (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination, vital::mono_float amount, bool bipolar, bool stereo, bool bypass) |
Sets various modulation parameters (amount, bipolar, stereo, bypass) for a given connection. | |
void | initModulationValues (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination) |
Initializes modulation values for a newly created modulation connection. | |
void | disconnectModulation (std::string source, std::string destination) |
Disconnects a modulation from the GUI layer. | |
void | disconnectModulation (vital::ModulationConnection *connection) |
Disconnects a modulation using a ModulationConnection object. | |
void | setFocus () |
Brings the GUI window or main component into focus. | |
void | notifyChange () |
Notifies the GUI that a parameter or modulation changed, prompting GUI updates. | |
void | notifyFresh () |
Notifies the GUI that a fresh state (like a new preset load) has occurred, prompting a full refresh. | |
void | openSaveDialog () |
Opens a save dialog (e.g., to save a preset) through the GUI. | |
void | externalPresetLoaded (File preset) |
Notifies the GUI that a preset was loaded externally (outside the GUI controls). | |
void | setGuiSize (float scale) |
Sets the GUI window or component size based on a scale factor. | |
FullInterface * | getGui () |
Gets the FullInterface GUI component if it exists. | |
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SynthBase () | |
Constructs a SynthBase, initializing the sound engine, MIDI manager, wavetables, and settings. | |
virtual | ~SynthBase () |
Destroys the SynthBase, cleaning up resources such as sound engine and memory buffers. | |
void | valueChanged (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value) |
Updates the value of a control parameter. | |
void | valueChangedThroughMidi (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value) override |
Handles parameter changes triggered through MIDI mappings. | |
void | pitchWheelMidiChanged (vital::mono_float value) override |
Called when the pitch wheel value changes via MIDI. | |
void | modWheelMidiChanged (vital::mono_float value) override |
Called when the mod wheel value changes via MIDI. | |
void | pitchWheelGuiChanged (vital::mono_float value) |
Called when the pitch wheel changes via the GUI or another external source. | |
void | modWheelGuiChanged (vital::mono_float value) |
Called when the mod wheel changes via the GUI or another external source. | |
void | presetChangedThroughMidi (File preset) override |
Called when a preset is changed through MIDI (e.g., program change messages). | |
void | valueChangedExternal (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value) |
Handles external (non-GUI, non-MIDI) value changes to parameters. | |
void | valueChangedInternal (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value) |
Handles internal value changes, updating the parameter and optionally notifying the host. | |
bool | connectModulation (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination) |
Connects a modulation source to a destination parameter. | |
void | connectModulation (vital::ModulationConnection *connection) |
Connects a modulation using a pre-existing ModulationConnection object. | |
void | disconnectModulation (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination) |
Disconnects a modulation source from a destination parameter. | |
void | disconnectModulation (vital::ModulationConnection *connection) |
Disconnects a modulation given a ModulationConnection object. | |
void | clearModulations () |
Clears all modulation connections. | |
void | forceShowModulation (const std::string &source, bool force) |
Forces a modulation source to remain active even if not currently connected. | |
bool | isModSourceEnabled (const std::string &source) |
Checks if a modulation source is currently enabled. | |
int | getNumModulations (const std::string &destination) |
Counts how many modulations target a given parameter. | |
int | getConnectionIndex (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination) |
Gets the index of a modulation connection given its source and destination. | |
vital::CircularQueue< vital::ModulationConnection * > | getModulationConnections () |
Gets all current modulation connections as a CircularQueue. | |
std::vector< vital::ModulationConnection * > | getSourceConnections (const std::string &source) |
Returns all modulation connections from a particular source. | |
bool | isSourceConnected (const std::string &source) |
Checks if a given modulation source has any active connections. | |
std::vector< vital::ModulationConnection * > | getDestinationConnections (const std::string &destination) |
Returns all modulation connections targeting a given destination parameter. | |
const vital::StatusOutput * | getStatusOutput (const std::string &name) |
Retrieves a status output by name. | |
vital::Wavetable * | getWavetable (int index) |
Gets a wavetable object from the engine. | |
WavetableCreator * | getWavetableCreator (int index) |
Gets a WavetableCreator for a given oscillator index. | |
vital::Sample * | getSample () |
Gets the Sample object used by the engine. | |
LineGenerator * | getLfoSource (int index) |
Retrieves an LFO source by index. | |
int | getSampleRate () |
Retrieves the current audio sample rate used by the engine. | |
void | initEngine () |
Initializes the engine to a default state, clearing modulations and resetting parameters. | |
void | loadTuningFile (const File &file) |
Loads a tuning file into the synthesizer’s tuning system. | |
void | loadInitPreset () |
Loads an "init" preset, resetting Vital to its default initial state. | |
bool | loadFromFile (File preset, std::string &error) |
Attempts to load a preset from a file. | |
void | renderAudioToFile (File file, float seconds, float bpm, std::vector< int > notes, bool render_images) |
Renders audio to a WAV file for a given duration and note sequence. | |
void | renderAudioForResynthesis (float *data, int samples, int note) |
Renders audio for the purpose of resynthesis into a provided buffer. | |
bool | saveToFile (File preset) |
Saves the current preset state to the specified file. | |
bool | saveToActiveFile () |
Saves the current preset state to the active file (if any). | |
void | clearActiveFile () |
Clears the currently active preset file, meaning changes are not saved to a previously loaded file. | |
File | getActiveFile () |
Gets the currently active preset file. | |
void | setMpeEnabled (bool enabled) |
Enables or disables MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) mode. | |
virtual void | beginChangeGesture (const std::string &name) |
Called when a parameter change gesture begins. Typically not implemented in this base class. | |
virtual void | endChangeGesture (const std::string &name) |
Called when a parameter change gesture ends. Typically not implemented in this base class. | |
virtual void | setValueNotifyHost (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value) |
Called when a parameter changes to notify a potential host environment. Typically not implemented here. | |
void | armMidiLearn (const std::string &name) |
Arms the given parameter name for MIDI learn, associating the next received MIDI control with it. | |
void | cancelMidiLearn () |
Cancels a previously armed MIDI learn operation. | |
void | clearMidiLearn (const std::string &name) |
Clears the MIDI mapping for a given parameter name. | |
bool | isMidiMapped (const std::string &name) |
Checks if a given parameter name is MIDI mapped. | |
void | setAuthor (const String &author) |
Sets the author metadata of the current preset. | |
void | setComments (const String &comments) |
Sets the comments or description metadata of the current preset. | |
void | setStyle (const String &style) |
Sets the style metadata of the current preset (e.g., bass, lead, etc.). | |
void | setPresetName (const String &preset_name) |
Sets the preset name. | |
void | setMacroName (int index, const String ¯o_name) |
Sets the name of a macro control by index. | |
String | getAuthor () |
Gets the author of the current preset. | |
String | getComments () |
Gets the comments for the current preset. | |
String | getStyle () |
Gets the style of the current preset. | |
String | getPresetName () |
Gets the current preset’s name. | |
String | getMacroName (int index) |
Gets the name of a macro control by index. | |
vital::control_map & | getControls () |
Provides access to the controls map (parameter name to Parameter pointer). | |
vital::SoundEngine * | getEngine () |
Returns a pointer to the SoundEngine used for audio and modulation processing. | |
MidiKeyboardState * | getKeyboardState () |
Retrieves the keyboard state (for processing MIDI note events from a virtual keyboard). | |
const vital::poly_float * | getOscilloscopeMemory () |
Retrieves the oscilloscope memory for visualization of audio output waveforms. | |
const vital::StereoMemory * | getAudioMemory () |
Retrieves stereo memory holding recent audio output samples for visualization. | |
const vital::StereoMemory * | getEqualizerMemory () |
Retrieves memory used for equalizer visualization, if available. | |
vital::ModulationConnectionBank & | getModulationBank () |
Retrieves the ModulationConnectionBank managing all modulation connections. | |
void | notifyOversamplingChanged () |
Notifies that oversampling settings have changed, reinitializing the engine if needed. | |
void | checkOversampling () |
Checks and updates oversampling settings. May be called if parameters affecting oversampling change. | |
Tuning * | getTuning () |
Returns a pointer to the synth's Tuning object. | |
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virtual | ~Listener () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static constexpr float | kOutputWindowMinNote = 16.0f |
Minimum and maximum note values considered for output window display or related processing. | |
static constexpr float | kOutputWindowMaxNote = 128.0f |
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vital::modulation_change | createModulationChange (vital::ModulationConnection *connection) |
Creates a modulation_change structure for a given connection, preparing it for engine operations. | |
bool | isInvalidConnection (const vital::modulation_change &change) |
Checks if a modulation_change is invalid (e.g., creates a loop). | |
json | saveToJson () |
Serializes the current synth state into a JSON object. | |
bool | loadFromJson (const json &state) |
Deserializes and applies the synth state from a JSON object. | |
vital::ModulationConnection * | getConnection (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination) |
Finds a ModulationConnection by source and destination names. | |
bool | getNextModulationChange (vital::modulation_change &change) |
Attempts to dequeue a modulation_change for processing. | |
void | clearModulationQueue () |
Clears the modulation change queue, removing all pending changes. | |
void | processAudio (AudioSampleBuffer *buffer, int channels, int samples, int offset) |
Processes audio into the given buffer. May be overridden or extended by subclasses. | |
void | processAudioWithInput (AudioSampleBuffer *buffer, const vital::poly_float *input_buffer, int channels, int samples, int offset) |
Processes audio with an input buffer, often used for sidechain or feedback loops. | |
void | writeAudio (AudioSampleBuffer *buffer, int channels, int samples, int offset) |
Writes audio data from the engine to the output buffer. | |
void | processMidi (MidiBuffer &buffer, int start_sample=0, int end_sample=0) |
Processes MIDI messages from a MidiBuffer, applying them to the engine’s sound generation. | |
void | processKeyboardEvents (MidiBuffer &buffer, int num_samples) |
Processes keyboard events from a MidiBuffer, integrating them with the MidiKeyboardState. | |
void | processModulationChanges () |
Processes pending modulation changes and updates the engine accordingly. | |
void | updateMemoryOutput (int samples, const vital::poly_float *audio) |
Updates the oscilloscope memory with the latest audio samples. | |
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SynthBase * | synth_ |
The backend SynthBase this GUI interface controls. | |
std::unique_ptr< FullInterface > | gui_ |
The primary GUI component (if applicable). | |
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std::unique_ptr< vital::SoundEngine > | engine_ |
std::unique_ptr< MidiManager > | midi_manager_ |
std::unique_ptr< MidiKeyboardState > | keyboard_state_ |
std::unique_ptr< WavetableCreator > | wavetable_creators_ [vital::kNumOscillators] |
std::shared_ptr< SynthBase * > | self_reference_ |
File | active_file_ |
vital::poly_float | oscilloscope_memory_ [2 *vital::kOscilloscopeMemoryResolution] |
vital::poly_float | oscilloscope_memory_write_ [2 *vital::kOscilloscopeMemoryResolution] |
std::unique_ptr< vital::StereoMemory > | audio_memory_ |
vital::mono_float | last_played_note_ |
int | last_num_pressed_ |
vital::mono_float | memory_reset_period_ |
vital::mono_float | memory_input_offset_ |
int | memory_index_ |
bool | expired_ |
std::map< std::string, String > | save_info_ |
vital::control_map | controls_ |
vital::CircularQueue< vital::ModulationConnection * > | mod_connections_ |
moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< vital::control_change > | value_change_queue_ |
moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< vital::modulation_change > | modulation_change_queue_ |
Tuning | tuning_ |
The main editor component for the SynthPlugin audio processor.
A standalone JUCE AudioAppComponent for hosting the Synth interface and audio engine.
SynthEditor is an AudioProcessorEditor that integrates a SynthGuiInterface, providing the user interface for the plugin. It handles resizing, aspect ratio constraints, scaling, and updates to the GUI as the underlying synthesizer changes.
SynthEditor combines the GUI (if enabled) with real-time audio handling, MIDI management, and the Vital synthesizer engine. It inherits from various classes to integrate JUCE’s audio processing, the Vital engine, and the GUI interface.
SynthEditor::SynthEditor | ( | SynthPlugin & | synth | ) |
Constructs the SynthEditor.
synth | Reference to the SynthPlugin instance associated with this editor. |
Initializes the look and feel, sets up the main GUI (FullInterface), applies animation settings, and configures resizing constraints and scaling.
SynthEditor::SynthEditor | ( | bool | use_gui = true | ) |
Constructs a SynthEditor.
Constructs a SynthEditor object.
use_gui | Determines whether to create and display the full GUI interface. |
Initializes the audio device manager, sets the default sample rate, creates the optional GUI, and starts a timer to poll for MIDI devices.
use_gui | Determines whether the GUI is created and displayed. |
SynthEditor::~SynthEditor | ( | ) |
Destructor. Cleans up resources, shutting down audio and dismissing menus.
Destructor for SynthEditor.
Cleans up the audio system and dismisses any active popup menus.
void SynthEditor::animate | ( | bool | animate | ) |
Enables or disables animation in the GUI (e.g., for meters or visualizations).
Toggles GUI animation such as oscilloscopes or VU meters.
animate | Whether to animate the GUI elements. |
animate | If true, animations are turned on; otherwise, off. |
inlineoverridevirtual |
Returns a pointer to the AudioDeviceManager for this standalone app.
Reimplemented from SynthGuiInterface.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Returns the critical section used for thread-safe operations.
Implements SynthBase.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Returns a pointer to the GUI interface of this synth.
Implements SynthBase.
override |
Callback for the audio device. Processes incoming audio and MIDI.
Called by the audio device to provide next audio block.
buffer | The channel info containing buffer data. |
Processes pending MIDI events, updates the synthesizer engine, and renders audio data into the provided buffer.
buffer | Reference to the AudioSourceChannelInfo containing the buffer. |
inlineoverride |
Paints the editor background.
g | The graphics context used for rendering. |
inlineoverride |
Called to repaint any custom graphics, which are not currently used here.
g | The JUCE Graphics context. |
inlineoverridevirtual |
Pauses or resumes audio processing by locking or unlocking the critical section.
pause | If true, locks the section; otherwise, unlocks it. |
Implements SynthBase.
override |
Prepares the audio engine to begin playing.
Prepares the audio engine for playback.
Called by the audio subsystem. Sets up sample rate and other parameters in the engine.
buffer_size | The size of the audio buffer in samples. |
sample_rate | The sampling rate. |
Sets the sample rate for the sound engine and the MIDI manager, and updates any modulation switches in the engine.
buffer_size | The size of the audio buffer (in samples). |
sample_rate | The sampling rate (in Hz). |
override |
Releases resources allocated for audio playback.
Releases any resources allocated for audio playback.
Currently empty, but can be used to cleanup resources if needed.
override |
Called when the editor is resized.
Called when the component is resized.
Adjusts the GUI bounds to match the new editor size.
Ensures the GUI interface is resized to fill the entire window.
override |
Called when the component is resized. Resizes internal GUI components if present.
override |
Sets a new scale factor for the GUI.
newScale | The new scaling factor to apply. |
Adjusts the interface scaling and triggers a background re-render.
override |
Timer callback used to periodically scan for new MIDI devices.
Periodically checks for new MIDI devices and enables them.
This callback runs at intervals set by startTimer().
overridevirtual |
Forces a full GUI update.
Updates all GUI elements and notifies the host that the display might have changed.
Reimplemented from SynthGuiInterface.