No Matches
SynthBase Class Referenceabstract

A base class providing foundational functionality for the Vital synthesizer’s engine, UI integration, modulation system, MIDI mapping, and preset management. More...

#include <synth_base.h>

Inheritance diagram for SynthBase:
MidiManager::Listener HeadlessSynth SynthEditor SynthPlugin


struct  ValueChangedCallback
 A callback message used when values change, allowing asynchronous updates to GUI or host. More...

Public Member Functions

 SynthBase ()
 Constructs a SynthBase, initializing the sound engine, MIDI manager, wavetables, and settings.
virtual ~SynthBase ()
 Destroys the SynthBase, cleaning up resources such as sound engine and memory buffers.
void valueChanged (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value)
 Updates the value of a control parameter.
void valueChangedThroughMidi (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value) override
 Handles parameter changes triggered through MIDI mappings.
void pitchWheelMidiChanged (vital::mono_float value) override
 Called when the pitch wheel value changes via MIDI.
void modWheelMidiChanged (vital::mono_float value) override
 Called when the mod wheel value changes via MIDI.
void pitchWheelGuiChanged (vital::mono_float value)
 Called when the pitch wheel changes via the GUI or another external source.
void modWheelGuiChanged (vital::mono_float value)
 Called when the mod wheel changes via the GUI or another external source.
void presetChangedThroughMidi (File preset) override
 Called when a preset is changed through MIDI (e.g., program change messages).
void valueChangedExternal (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value)
 Handles external (non-GUI, non-MIDI) value changes to parameters.
void valueChangedInternal (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value)
 Handles internal value changes, updating the parameter and optionally notifying the host.
bool connectModulation (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination)
 Connects a modulation source to a destination parameter.
void connectModulation (vital::ModulationConnection *connection)
 Connects a modulation using a pre-existing ModulationConnection object.
void disconnectModulation (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination)
 Disconnects a modulation source from a destination parameter.
void disconnectModulation (vital::ModulationConnection *connection)
 Disconnects a modulation given a ModulationConnection object.
void clearModulations ()
 Clears all modulation connections.
void forceShowModulation (const std::string &source, bool force)
 Forces a modulation source to remain active even if not currently connected.
bool isModSourceEnabled (const std::string &source)
 Checks if a modulation source is currently enabled.
int getNumModulations (const std::string &destination)
 Counts how many modulations target a given parameter.
int getConnectionIndex (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination)
 Gets the index of a modulation connection given its source and destination.
vital::CircularQueue< vital::ModulationConnection * > getModulationConnections ()
 Gets all current modulation connections as a CircularQueue.
std::vector< vital::ModulationConnection * > getSourceConnections (const std::string &source)
 Returns all modulation connections from a particular source.
bool isSourceConnected (const std::string &source)
 Checks if a given modulation source has any active connections.
std::vector< vital::ModulationConnection * > getDestinationConnections (const std::string &destination)
 Returns all modulation connections targeting a given destination parameter.
const vital::StatusOutputgetStatusOutput (const std::string &name)
 Retrieves a status output by name.
vital::WavetablegetWavetable (int index)
 Gets a wavetable object from the engine.
WavetableCreatorgetWavetableCreator (int index)
 Gets a WavetableCreator for a given oscillator index.
vital::SamplegetSample ()
 Gets the Sample object used by the engine.
LineGeneratorgetLfoSource (int index)
 Retrieves an LFO source by index.
int getSampleRate ()
 Retrieves the current audio sample rate used by the engine.
void initEngine ()
 Initializes the engine to a default state, clearing modulations and resetting parameters.
void loadTuningFile (const File &file)
 Loads a tuning file into the synthesizer’s tuning system.
void loadInitPreset ()
 Loads an "init" preset, resetting Vital to its default initial state.
bool loadFromFile (File preset, std::string &error)
 Attempts to load a preset from a file.
void renderAudioToFile (File file, float seconds, float bpm, std::vector< int > notes, bool render_images)
 Renders audio to a WAV file for a given duration and note sequence.
void renderAudioForResynthesis (float *data, int samples, int note)
 Renders audio for the purpose of resynthesis into a provided buffer.
bool saveToFile (File preset)
 Saves the current preset state to the specified file.
bool saveToActiveFile ()
 Saves the current preset state to the active file (if any).
void clearActiveFile ()
 Clears the currently active preset file, meaning changes are not saved to a previously loaded file.
File getActiveFile ()
 Gets the currently active preset file.
void setMpeEnabled (bool enabled)
 Enables or disables MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) mode.
virtual void beginChangeGesture (const std::string &name)
 Called when a parameter change gesture begins. Typically not implemented in this base class.
virtual void endChangeGesture (const std::string &name)
 Called when a parameter change gesture ends. Typically not implemented in this base class.
virtual void setValueNotifyHost (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value)
 Called when a parameter changes to notify a potential host environment. Typically not implemented here.
void armMidiLearn (const std::string &name)
 Arms the given parameter name for MIDI learn, associating the next received MIDI control with it.
void cancelMidiLearn ()
 Cancels a previously armed MIDI learn operation.
void clearMidiLearn (const std::string &name)
 Clears the MIDI mapping for a given parameter name.
bool isMidiMapped (const std::string &name)
 Checks if a given parameter name is MIDI mapped.
void setAuthor (const String &author)
 Sets the author metadata of the current preset.
void setComments (const String &comments)
 Sets the comments or description metadata of the current preset.
void setStyle (const String &style)
 Sets the style metadata of the current preset (e.g., bass, lead, etc.).
void setPresetName (const String &preset_name)
 Sets the preset name.
void setMacroName (int index, const String &macro_name)
 Sets the name of a macro control by index.
String getAuthor ()
 Gets the author of the current preset.
String getComments ()
 Gets the comments for the current preset.
String getStyle ()
 Gets the style of the current preset.
String getPresetName ()
 Gets the current preset’s name.
String getMacroName (int index)
 Gets the name of a macro control by index.
vital::control_mapgetControls ()
 Provides access to the controls map (parameter name to Parameter pointer).
vital::SoundEnginegetEngine ()
 Returns a pointer to the SoundEngine used for audio and modulation processing.
MidiKeyboardState * getKeyboardState ()
 Retrieves the keyboard state (for processing MIDI note events from a virtual keyboard).
const vital::poly_floatgetOscilloscopeMemory ()
 Retrieves the oscilloscope memory for visualization of audio output waveforms.
const vital::StereoMemorygetAudioMemory ()
 Retrieves stereo memory holding recent audio output samples for visualization.
const vital::StereoMemorygetEqualizerMemory ()
 Retrieves memory used for equalizer visualization, if available.
vital::ModulationConnectionBankgetModulationBank ()
 Retrieves the ModulationConnectionBank managing all modulation connections.
void notifyOversamplingChanged ()
 Notifies that oversampling settings have changed, reinitializing the engine if needed.
void checkOversampling ()
 Checks and updates oversampling settings. May be called if parameters affecting oversampling change.
virtual const CriticalSection & getCriticalSection ()=0
 Provides access to the synth’s internal CriticalSection for thread safety.
virtual void pauseProcessing (bool pause)=0
 Pauses or resumes audio processing.
TuninggetTuning ()
 Returns a pointer to the synth's Tuning object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MidiManager::Listener
virtual ~Listener ()

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr float kOutputWindowMinNote = 16.0f
 Minimum and maximum note values considered for output window display or related processing.
static constexpr float kOutputWindowMaxNote = 128.0f

Protected Member Functions

vital::modulation_change createModulationChange (vital::ModulationConnection *connection)
 Creates a modulation_change structure for a given connection, preparing it for engine operations.
bool isInvalidConnection (const vital::modulation_change &change)
 Checks if a modulation_change is invalid (e.g., creates a loop).
virtual SynthGuiInterfacegetGuiInterface ()=0
 Retrieves the GUI interface if available, for updating controls or notifications.
json saveToJson ()
 Serializes the current synth state into a JSON object.
bool loadFromJson (const json &state)
 Deserializes and applies the synth state from a JSON object.
vital::ModulationConnectiongetConnection (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination)
 Finds a ModulationConnection by source and destination names.
bool getNextModulationChange (vital::modulation_change &change)
 Attempts to dequeue a modulation_change for processing.
void clearModulationQueue ()
 Clears the modulation change queue, removing all pending changes.
void processAudio (AudioSampleBuffer *buffer, int channels, int samples, int offset)
 Processes audio into the given buffer. May be overridden or extended by subclasses.
void processAudioWithInput (AudioSampleBuffer *buffer, const vital::poly_float *input_buffer, int channels, int samples, int offset)
 Processes audio with an input buffer, often used for sidechain or feedback loops.
void writeAudio (AudioSampleBuffer *buffer, int channels, int samples, int offset)
 Writes audio data from the engine to the output buffer.
void processMidi (MidiBuffer &buffer, int start_sample=0, int end_sample=0)
 Processes MIDI messages from a MidiBuffer, applying them to the engine’s sound generation.
void processKeyboardEvents (MidiBuffer &buffer, int num_samples)
 Processes keyboard events from a MidiBuffer, integrating them with the MidiKeyboardState.
void processModulationChanges ()
 Processes pending modulation changes and updates the engine accordingly.
void updateMemoryOutput (int samples, const vital::poly_float *audio)
 Updates the oscilloscope memory with the latest audio samples.

Protected Attributes

std::unique_ptr< vital::SoundEngineengine_
std::unique_ptr< MidiManagermidi_manager_
std::unique_ptr< MidiKeyboardState > keyboard_state_
std::unique_ptr< WavetableCreatorwavetable_creators_ [vital::kNumOscillators]
std::shared_ptr< SynthBase * > self_reference_
File active_file_
vital::poly_float oscilloscope_memory_ [2 *vital::kOscilloscopeMemoryResolution]
vital::poly_float oscilloscope_memory_write_ [2 *vital::kOscilloscopeMemoryResolution]
std::unique_ptr< vital::StereoMemoryaudio_memory_
vital::mono_float last_played_note_
int last_num_pressed_
vital::mono_float memory_reset_period_
vital::mono_float memory_input_offset_
int memory_index_
bool expired_
std::map< std::string, String > save_info_
vital::control_map controls_
vital::CircularQueue< vital::ModulationConnection * > mod_connections_
moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< vital::control_changevalue_change_queue_
moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue< vital::modulation_changemodulation_change_queue_
Tuning tuning_

Detailed Description

A base class providing foundational functionality for the Vital synthesizer’s engine, UI integration, modulation system, MIDI mapping, and preset management.

The SynthBase class:

  • Integrates a SoundEngine for audio generation and modulation.
  • Manages MIDI input through a MidiManager.
  • Maintains a set of controls (parameters) and handles parameter changes from GUI, MIDI, or code.
  • Supports loading/saving presets, wavetables, and other stateful elements.
  • Provides a queue-based system for thread-safe modulation and parameter changes.
  • Offers methods to render audio to disk, load tunings, and initiate default or user presets.

The class can be integrated with a GUI through a SynthGuiInterface or used headlessly (see HeadlessSynth). Subclasses must implement certain virtual methods to integrate with an audio processing environment.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SynthBase()

SynthBase::SynthBase ( )

Constructs a SynthBase, initializing the sound engine, MIDI manager, wavetables, and settings.

◆ ~SynthBase()

SynthBase::~SynthBase ( )

Destroys the SynthBase, cleaning up resources such as sound engine and memory buffers.

Member Function Documentation

◆ armMidiLearn()

void SynthBase::armMidiLearn ( const std::string & name)

Arms the given parameter name for MIDI learn, associating the next received MIDI control with it.

nameThe parameter name.

◆ beginChangeGesture()

virtual void SynthBase::beginChangeGesture ( const std::string & name)

Called when a parameter change gesture begins. Typically not implemented in this base class.

nameThe parameter name.

Reimplemented in SynthPlugin.

◆ cancelMidiLearn()

void SynthBase::cancelMidiLearn ( )

Cancels a previously armed MIDI learn operation.

◆ checkOversampling()

void SynthBase::checkOversampling ( )

Checks and updates oversampling settings. May be called if parameters affecting oversampling change.

◆ clearActiveFile()

void SynthBase::clearActiveFile ( )

Clears the currently active preset file, meaning changes are not saved to a previously loaded file.

◆ clearMidiLearn()

void SynthBase::clearMidiLearn ( const std::string & name)

Clears the MIDI mapping for a given parameter name.

nameThe parameter to clear from MIDI mappings.

◆ clearModulationQueue()

void SynthBase::clearModulationQueue ( )

Clears the modulation change queue, removing all pending changes.

◆ clearModulations()

void SynthBase::clearModulations ( )

Clears all modulation connections.

◆ connectModulation() [1/2]

bool SynthBase::connectModulation ( const std::string & source,
const std::string & destination )

Connects a modulation source to a destination parameter.

sourceThe modulation source name.
destinationThe parameter name to modulate.
True if a new connection was created, false if it was already existing.

◆ connectModulation() [2/2]

void SynthBase::connectModulation ( vital::ModulationConnection * connection)

Connects a modulation using a pre-existing ModulationConnection object.

connectionA pointer to the ModulationConnection object to be connected.

◆ createModulationChange()

vital::modulation_change SynthBase::createModulationChange ( vital::ModulationConnection * connection)

Creates a modulation_change structure for a given connection, preparing it for engine operations.

connectionA pointer to a ModulationConnection.
A modulation_change object describing the connection.

◆ disconnectModulation() [1/2]

void SynthBase::disconnectModulation ( const std::string & source,
const std::string & destination )

Disconnects a modulation source from a destination parameter.

sourceThe modulation source name.
destinationThe parameter name.

◆ disconnectModulation() [2/2]

void SynthBase::disconnectModulation ( vital::ModulationConnection * connection)

Disconnects a modulation given a ModulationConnection object.

connectionThe ModulationConnection to disconnect.

◆ endChangeGesture()

virtual void SynthBase::endChangeGesture ( const std::string & name)

Called when a parameter change gesture ends. Typically not implemented in this base class.

nameThe parameter name.

Reimplemented in SynthPlugin.

◆ forceShowModulation()

void SynthBase::forceShowModulation ( const std::string & source,
bool force )

Forces a modulation source to remain active even if not currently connected.

sourceThe modulation source.
forceTrue to keep it active, false to allow disabling.

◆ getActiveFile()

File SynthBase::getActiveFile ( )

Gets the currently active preset file.

The active File object.

◆ getAudioMemory()

const vital::StereoMemory * SynthBase::getAudioMemory ( )

Retrieves stereo memory holding recent audio output samples for visualization.

A pointer to the StereoMemory object.

◆ getAuthor()

String SynthBase::getAuthor ( )

Gets the author of the current preset.

The author’s name as a String.

◆ getComments()

String SynthBase::getComments ( )

Gets the comments for the current preset.

The comments string.

◆ getConnection()

vital::ModulationConnection * SynthBase::getConnection ( const std::string & source,
const std::string & destination )

Finds a ModulationConnection by source and destination names.

sourceThe modulation source name.
destinationThe parameter destination name.
A pointer to the ModulationConnection, or nullptr if not found.

◆ getConnectionIndex()

int SynthBase::getConnectionIndex ( const std::string & source,
const std::string & destination )

Gets the index of a modulation connection given its source and destination.

sourceThe modulation source.
destinationThe parameter destination.
The index or -1 if not found.

◆ getControls()

vital::control_map & SynthBase::getControls ( )

Provides access to the controls map (parameter name to Parameter pointer).

A reference to the control_map.

◆ getCriticalSection()

virtual const CriticalSection & SynthBase::getCriticalSection ( )
pure virtual

Provides access to the synth’s internal CriticalSection for thread safety.

Must be implemented by subclasses.

A reference to the CriticalSection.

Implemented in HeadlessSynth, SynthEditor, and SynthPlugin.

◆ getDestinationConnections()

std::vector< vital::ModulationConnection * > SynthBase::getDestinationConnections ( const std::string & destination)

Returns all modulation connections targeting a given destination parameter.

destinationThe parameter name.
A vector of ModulationConnection pointers.

◆ getEngine()

vital::SoundEngine * SynthBase::getEngine ( )

Returns a pointer to the SoundEngine used for audio and modulation processing.

A pointer to the SoundEngine.

◆ getEqualizerMemory()

const vital::StereoMemory * SynthBase::getEqualizerMemory ( )

Retrieves memory used for equalizer visualization, if available.

A pointer to the StereoMemory for the equalizer, or nullptr if not available.

◆ getGuiInterface()

virtual SynthGuiInterface * SynthBase::getGuiInterface ( )
protectedpure virtual

Retrieves the GUI interface if available, for updating controls or notifications.

A pointer to a SynthGuiInterface, or nullptr if headless.

Implemented in HeadlessSynth, SynthEditor, and SynthPlugin.

◆ getKeyboardState()

MidiKeyboardState * SynthBase::getKeyboardState ( )

Retrieves the keyboard state (for processing MIDI note events from a virtual keyboard).

A pointer to the MidiKeyboardState.

◆ getLfoSource()

LineGenerator * SynthBase::getLfoSource ( int index)

Retrieves an LFO source by index.

indexThe LFO index.
A pointer to the LFO’s LineGenerator object.

◆ getMacroName()

String SynthBase::getMacroName ( int index)

Gets the name of a macro control by index.

indexThe macro index (0-based).
The macro name.

◆ getModulationBank()

vital::ModulationConnectionBank & SynthBase::getModulationBank ( )

Retrieves the ModulationConnectionBank managing all modulation connections.

A reference to the ModulationConnectionBank.

◆ getModulationConnections()

vital::CircularQueue< vital::ModulationConnection * > SynthBase::getModulationConnections ( )

Gets all current modulation connections as a CircularQueue.

A queue of pointers to ModulationConnection objects.

◆ getNextModulationChange()

bool SynthBase::getNextModulationChange ( vital::modulation_change & change)

Attempts to dequeue a modulation_change for processing.

changeA reference to store the dequeued change.
True if a change was dequeued, false otherwise.

◆ getNumModulations()

int SynthBase::getNumModulations ( const std::string & destination)

Counts how many modulations target a given parameter.

destinationThe parameter name.
The number of modulations.

◆ getOscilloscopeMemory()

const vital::poly_float * SynthBase::getOscilloscopeMemory ( )

Retrieves the oscilloscope memory for visualization of audio output waveforms.

A pointer to an array of poly_float samples representing the oscilloscope memory.

◆ getPresetName()

String SynthBase::getPresetName ( )

Gets the current preset’s name.

The preset name.

◆ getSample()

vital::Sample * SynthBase::getSample ( )

Gets the Sample object used by the engine.

A pointer to the Sample.

◆ getSampleRate()

int SynthBase::getSampleRate ( )

Retrieves the current audio sample rate used by the engine.

The sample rate in Hz.

◆ getSourceConnections()

std::vector< vital::ModulationConnection * > SynthBase::getSourceConnections ( const std::string & source)

Returns all modulation connections from a particular source.

sourceThe modulation source.
A vector of ModulationConnection pointers.

◆ getStatusOutput()

const vital::StatusOutput * SynthBase::getStatusOutput ( const std::string & name)

Retrieves a status output by name.

nameThe status output name.
A pointer to the StatusOutput, or nullptr if not found.

◆ getStyle()

String SynthBase::getStyle ( )

Gets the style of the current preset.

The style string.

◆ getTuning()

Tuning * SynthBase::getTuning ( )

Returns a pointer to the synth's Tuning object.

A pointer to the Tuning.

◆ getWavetable()

vital::Wavetable * SynthBase::getWavetable ( int index)

Gets a wavetable object from the engine.

indexThe oscillator index.
A pointer to the Wavetable.

◆ getWavetableCreator()

WavetableCreator * SynthBase::getWavetableCreator ( int index)

Gets a WavetableCreator for a given oscillator index.

indexThe oscillator index.
A pointer to the WavetableCreator.

◆ initEngine()

void SynthBase::initEngine ( )

Initializes the engine to a default state, clearing modulations and resetting parameters.

◆ isInvalidConnection()

bool SynthBase::isInvalidConnection ( const vital::modulation_change & change)

Checks if a modulation_change is invalid (e.g., creates a loop).

changeThe modulation_change object to check.
True if invalid, false otherwise.

◆ isMidiMapped()

bool SynthBase::isMidiMapped ( const std::string & name)

Checks if a given parameter name is MIDI mapped.

nameThe parameter name.
True if mapped, false otherwise.

◆ isModSourceEnabled()

bool SynthBase::isModSourceEnabled ( const std::string & source)

Checks if a modulation source is currently enabled.

sourceThe modulation source name.
True if enabled, false otherwise.

◆ isSourceConnected()

bool SynthBase::isSourceConnected ( const std::string & source)

Checks if a given modulation source has any active connections.

sourceThe modulation source.
True if the source is connected, false otherwise.

◆ loadFromFile()

bool SynthBase::loadFromFile ( File preset,
std::string & error )

Attempts to load a preset from a file.

presetThe preset file.
errorA string to store error messages if loading fails.
True if successful, false otherwise.

◆ loadFromJson()

bool SynthBase::loadFromJson ( const json & state)

Deserializes and applies the synth state from a JSON object.

stateThe JSON object to load.
True if successful, false if incompatible.

◆ loadInitPreset()

void SynthBase::loadInitPreset ( )

Loads an "init" preset, resetting Vital to its default initial state.

◆ loadTuningFile()

void SynthBase::loadTuningFile ( const File & file)

Loads a tuning file into the synthesizer’s tuning system.

fileThe File representing the tuning.

◆ modWheelGuiChanged()

void SynthBase::modWheelGuiChanged ( vital::mono_float value)

Called when the mod wheel changes via the GUI or another external source.

valueThe new mod wheel value.

◆ modWheelMidiChanged()

void SynthBase::modWheelMidiChanged ( vital::mono_float value)

Called when the mod wheel value changes via MIDI.

valueThe new mod wheel value.

Implements MidiManager::Listener.

◆ notifyOversamplingChanged()

void SynthBase::notifyOversamplingChanged ( )

Notifies that oversampling settings have changed, reinitializing the engine if needed.

◆ pauseProcessing()

virtual void SynthBase::pauseProcessing ( bool pause)
pure virtual

Pauses or resumes audio processing.

When paused, processing locks the critical section to avoid concurrency issues.

pauseTrue to pause, false to resume.

Implemented in HeadlessSynth, SynthEditor, and SynthPlugin.

◆ pitchWheelGuiChanged()

void SynthBase::pitchWheelGuiChanged ( vital::mono_float value)

Called when the pitch wheel changes via the GUI or another external source.

valueThe new pitch wheel value.

◆ pitchWheelMidiChanged()

void SynthBase::pitchWheelMidiChanged ( vital::mono_float value)

Called when the pitch wheel value changes via MIDI.

valueThe new pitch wheel value.

Implements MidiManager::Listener.

◆ presetChangedThroughMidi()

void SynthBase::presetChangedThroughMidi ( File preset)

Called when a preset is changed through MIDI (e.g., program change messages).

presetThe new preset file.

Implements MidiManager::Listener.

◆ processAudio()

void SynthBase::processAudio ( AudioSampleBuffer * buffer,
int channels,
int samples,
int offset )

Processes audio into the given buffer. May be overridden or extended by subclasses.

bufferPointer to the output AudioSampleBuffer.
channelsNumber of output channels.
samplesNumber of samples to process.
offsetSample offset in the output buffer.

◆ processAudioWithInput()

void SynthBase::processAudioWithInput ( AudioSampleBuffer * buffer,
const vital::poly_float * input_buffer,
int channels,
int samples,
int offset )

Processes audio with an input buffer, often used for sidechain or feedback loops.

bufferThe output buffer.
input_bufferA pointer to the input poly_float buffer.
channelsNumber of output channels.
samplesNumber of samples to process.
offsetSample offset in the output buffer.

◆ processKeyboardEvents()

void SynthBase::processKeyboardEvents ( MidiBuffer & buffer,
int num_samples )

Processes keyboard events from a MidiBuffer, integrating them with the MidiKeyboardState.

bufferThe MidiBuffer with keyboard messages.
num_samplesThe number of samples to process.

◆ processMidi()

void SynthBase::processMidi ( MidiBuffer & buffer,
int start_sample = 0,
int end_sample = 0 )

Processes MIDI messages from a MidiBuffer, applying them to the engine’s sound generation.

bufferThe MidiBuffer containing MIDI messages.
start_sampleThe starting sample to process MIDI for.
end_sampleThe ending sample (0 means process all).

◆ processModulationChanges()

void SynthBase::processModulationChanges ( )

Processes pending modulation changes and updates the engine accordingly.

◆ renderAudioForResynthesis()

void SynthBase::renderAudioForResynthesis ( float * data,
int samples,
int note )

Renders audio for the purpose of resynthesis into a provided buffer.

dataPointer to a float array to store samples.
samplesThe number of samples to render.
noteThe MIDI note to play for resynthesis.

◆ renderAudioToFile()

void SynthBase::renderAudioToFile ( File file,
float seconds,
float bpm,
std::vector< int > notes,
bool render_images )

Renders audio to a WAV file for a given duration and note sequence.

fileThe output WAV file.
secondsThe duration in seconds.
bpmThe tempo in beats per minute.
notesA vector of MIDI notes to play.
render_imagesWhether to render oscilloscope images alongside.

◆ saveToActiveFile()

bool SynthBase::saveToActiveFile ( )

Saves the current preset state to the active file (if any).

True if successful, false otherwise.

◆ saveToFile()

bool SynthBase::saveToFile ( File preset)

Saves the current preset state to the specified file.

presetThe file to save to (the extension is enforced).
True if the save was successful, false otherwise.

◆ saveToJson()

json SynthBase::saveToJson ( )

Serializes the current synth state into a JSON object.

A JSON object representing the synth’s state.

◆ setAuthor()

void SynthBase::setAuthor ( const String & author)

Sets the author metadata of the current preset.

authorThe author's name.

◆ setComments()

void SynthBase::setComments ( const String & comments)

Sets the comments or description metadata of the current preset.

commentsThe comments string.

◆ setMacroName()

void SynthBase::setMacroName ( int index,
const String & macro_name )

Sets the name of a macro control by index.

indexThe macro index (0-based).
macro_nameThe macro name as a String.

◆ setMpeEnabled()

void SynthBase::setMpeEnabled ( bool enabled)

Enables or disables MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) mode.

enabledTrue to enable MPE, false to disable.

◆ setPresetName()

void SynthBase::setPresetName ( const String & preset_name)

Sets the preset name.

preset_nameThe preset name as a String.

◆ setStyle()

void SynthBase::setStyle ( const String & style)

Sets the style metadata of the current preset (e.g., bass, lead, etc.).

styleThe style description string.

◆ setValueNotifyHost()

virtual void SynthBase::setValueNotifyHost ( const std::string & name,
vital::mono_float value )

Called when a parameter changes to notify a potential host environment. Typically not implemented here.

nameThe parameter name.
valueThe new parameter value.

Reimplemented in SynthPlugin.

◆ updateMemoryOutput()

void SynthBase::updateMemoryOutput ( int samples,
const vital::poly_float * audio )

Updates the oscilloscope memory with the latest audio samples.

samplesNumber of samples processed.
audioPointer to the audio sample data.

◆ valueChanged()

void SynthBase::valueChanged ( const std::string & name,
vital::mono_float value )

Updates the value of a control parameter.

nameThe name of the parameter.
valueThe new value.

◆ valueChangedExternal()

void SynthBase::valueChangedExternal ( const std::string & name,
vital::mono_float value )

Handles external (non-GUI, non-MIDI) value changes to parameters.

nameThe parameter name.
valueThe new value.

◆ valueChangedInternal()

void SynthBase::valueChangedInternal ( const std::string & name,
vital::mono_float value )

Handles internal value changes, updating the parameter and optionally notifying the host.

nameThe parameter name.
valueThe new parameter value.

◆ valueChangedThroughMidi()

void SynthBase::valueChangedThroughMidi ( const std::string & name,
vital::mono_float value )

Handles parameter changes triggered through MIDI mappings.

nameThe name of the parameter.
valueThe new parameter value.

Implements MidiManager::Listener.

◆ writeAudio()

void SynthBase::writeAudio ( AudioSampleBuffer * buffer,
int channels,
int samples,
int offset )

Writes audio data from the engine to the output buffer.

bufferThe output AudioSampleBuffer.
channelsNumber of output channels.
samplesNumber of samples to write.
offsetThe sample offset in the output buffer.

Member Data Documentation

◆ active_file_

File SynthBase::active_file_

◆ audio_memory_

std::unique_ptr<vital::StereoMemory> SynthBase::audio_memory_

◆ controls_

vital::control_map SynthBase::controls_

◆ engine_

std::unique_ptr<vital::SoundEngine> SynthBase::engine_

◆ expired_

bool SynthBase::expired_

◆ keyboard_state_

std::unique_ptr<MidiKeyboardState> SynthBase::keyboard_state_

◆ kOutputWindowMaxNote

float SynthBase::kOutputWindowMaxNote = 128.0f

◆ kOutputWindowMinNote

float SynthBase::kOutputWindowMinNote = 16.0f

Minimum and maximum note values considered for output window display or related processing.

◆ last_num_pressed_

int SynthBase::last_num_pressed_

◆ last_played_note_

vital::mono_float SynthBase::last_played_note_

◆ memory_index_

int SynthBase::memory_index_

◆ memory_input_offset_

vital::mono_float SynthBase::memory_input_offset_

◆ memory_reset_period_

vital::mono_float SynthBase::memory_reset_period_

◆ midi_manager_

std::unique_ptr<MidiManager> SynthBase::midi_manager_

◆ mod_connections_

vital::CircularQueue<vital::ModulationConnection*> SynthBase::mod_connections_

◆ modulation_change_queue_

moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<vital::modulation_change> SynthBase::modulation_change_queue_

◆ oscilloscope_memory_

vital::poly_float SynthBase::oscilloscope_memory_[2 *vital::kOscilloscopeMemoryResolution]

◆ oscilloscope_memory_write_

vital::poly_float SynthBase::oscilloscope_memory_write_[2 *vital::kOscilloscopeMemoryResolution]

◆ save_info_

std::map<std::string, String> SynthBase::save_info_

◆ self_reference_

std::shared_ptr<SynthBase*> SynthBase::self_reference_

◆ tuning_

Tuning SynthBase::tuning_

◆ value_change_queue_

moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<vital::control_change> SynthBase::value_change_queue_

◆ wavetable_creators_

std::unique_ptr<WavetableCreator> SynthBase::wavetable_creators_[vital::kNumOscillators]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: