A headless subclass of SynthBase that provides a critical section and pausing capability. More...
#include <synth_base.h>
Public Member Functions | |
const CriticalSection & | getCriticalSection () override |
Provides access to the synth’s internal CriticalSection for thread safety. | |
void | pauseProcessing (bool pause) override |
Pauses or resumes audio processing. | |
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SynthBase () | |
Constructs a SynthBase, initializing the sound engine, MIDI manager, wavetables, and settings. | |
virtual | ~SynthBase () |
Destroys the SynthBase, cleaning up resources such as sound engine and memory buffers. | |
void | valueChanged (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value) |
Updates the value of a control parameter. | |
void | valueChangedThroughMidi (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value) override |
Handles parameter changes triggered through MIDI mappings. | |
void | pitchWheelMidiChanged (vital::mono_float value) override |
Called when the pitch wheel value changes via MIDI. | |
void | modWheelMidiChanged (vital::mono_float value) override |
Called when the mod wheel value changes via MIDI. | |
void | pitchWheelGuiChanged (vital::mono_float value) |
Called when the pitch wheel changes via the GUI or another external source. | |
void | modWheelGuiChanged (vital::mono_float value) |
Called when the mod wheel changes via the GUI or another external source. | |
void | presetChangedThroughMidi (File preset) override |
Called when a preset is changed through MIDI (e.g., program change messages). | |
void | valueChangedExternal (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value) |
Handles external (non-GUI, non-MIDI) value changes to parameters. | |
void | valueChangedInternal (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value) |
Handles internal value changes, updating the parameter and optionally notifying the host. | |
bool | connectModulation (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination) |
Connects a modulation source to a destination parameter. | |
void | connectModulation (vital::ModulationConnection *connection) |
Connects a modulation using a pre-existing ModulationConnection object. | |
void | disconnectModulation (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination) |
Disconnects a modulation source from a destination parameter. | |
void | disconnectModulation (vital::ModulationConnection *connection) |
Disconnects a modulation given a ModulationConnection object. | |
void | clearModulations () |
Clears all modulation connections. | |
void | forceShowModulation (const std::string &source, bool force) |
Forces a modulation source to remain active even if not currently connected. | |
bool | isModSourceEnabled (const std::string &source) |
Checks if a modulation source is currently enabled. | |
int | getNumModulations (const std::string &destination) |
Counts how many modulations target a given parameter. | |
int | getConnectionIndex (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination) |
Gets the index of a modulation connection given its source and destination. | |
vital::CircularQueue< vital::ModulationConnection * > | getModulationConnections () |
Gets all current modulation connections as a CircularQueue. | |
std::vector< vital::ModulationConnection * > | getSourceConnections (const std::string &source) |
Returns all modulation connections from a particular source. | |
bool | isSourceConnected (const std::string &source) |
Checks if a given modulation source has any active connections. | |
std::vector< vital::ModulationConnection * > | getDestinationConnections (const std::string &destination) |
Returns all modulation connections targeting a given destination parameter. | |
const vital::StatusOutput * | getStatusOutput (const std::string &name) |
Retrieves a status output by name. | |
vital::Wavetable * | getWavetable (int index) |
Gets a wavetable object from the engine. | |
WavetableCreator * | getWavetableCreator (int index) |
Gets a WavetableCreator for a given oscillator index. | |
vital::Sample * | getSample () |
Gets the Sample object used by the engine. | |
LineGenerator * | getLfoSource (int index) |
Retrieves an LFO source by index. | |
int | getSampleRate () |
Retrieves the current audio sample rate used by the engine. | |
void | initEngine () |
Initializes the engine to a default state, clearing modulations and resetting parameters. | |
void | loadTuningFile (const File &file) |
Loads a tuning file into the synthesizer’s tuning system. | |
void | loadInitPreset () |
Loads an "init" preset, resetting Vital to its default initial state. | |
bool | loadFromFile (File preset, std::string &error) |
Attempts to load a preset from a file. | |
void | renderAudioToFile (File file, float seconds, float bpm, std::vector< int > notes, bool render_images) |
Renders audio to a WAV file for a given duration and note sequence. | |
void | renderAudioForResynthesis (float *data, int samples, int note) |
Renders audio for the purpose of resynthesis into a provided buffer. | |
bool | saveToFile (File preset) |
Saves the current preset state to the specified file. | |
bool | saveToActiveFile () |
Saves the current preset state to the active file (if any). | |
void | clearActiveFile () |
Clears the currently active preset file, meaning changes are not saved to a previously loaded file. | |
File | getActiveFile () |
Gets the currently active preset file. | |
void | setMpeEnabled (bool enabled) |
Enables or disables MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) mode. | |
virtual void | beginChangeGesture (const std::string &name) |
Called when a parameter change gesture begins. Typically not implemented in this base class. | |
virtual void | endChangeGesture (const std::string &name) |
Called when a parameter change gesture ends. Typically not implemented in this base class. | |
virtual void | setValueNotifyHost (const std::string &name, vital::mono_float value) |
Called when a parameter changes to notify a potential host environment. Typically not implemented here. | |
void | armMidiLearn (const std::string &name) |
Arms the given parameter name for MIDI learn, associating the next received MIDI control with it. | |
void | cancelMidiLearn () |
Cancels a previously armed MIDI learn operation. | |
void | clearMidiLearn (const std::string &name) |
Clears the MIDI mapping for a given parameter name. | |
bool | isMidiMapped (const std::string &name) |
Checks if a given parameter name is MIDI mapped. | |
void | setAuthor (const String &author) |
Sets the author metadata of the current preset. | |
void | setComments (const String &comments) |
Sets the comments or description metadata of the current preset. | |
void | setStyle (const String &style) |
Sets the style metadata of the current preset (e.g., bass, lead, etc.). | |
void | setPresetName (const String &preset_name) |
Sets the preset name. | |
void | setMacroName (int index, const String ¯o_name) |
Sets the name of a macro control by index. | |
String | getAuthor () |
Gets the author of the current preset. | |
String | getComments () |
Gets the comments for the current preset. | |
String | getStyle () |
Gets the style of the current preset. | |
String | getPresetName () |
Gets the current preset’s name. | |
String | getMacroName (int index) |
Gets the name of a macro control by index. | |
vital::control_map & | getControls () |
Provides access to the controls map (parameter name to Parameter pointer). | |
vital::SoundEngine * | getEngine () |
Returns a pointer to the SoundEngine used for audio and modulation processing. | |
MidiKeyboardState * | getKeyboardState () |
Retrieves the keyboard state (for processing MIDI note events from a virtual keyboard). | |
const vital::poly_float * | getOscilloscopeMemory () |
Retrieves the oscilloscope memory for visualization of audio output waveforms. | |
const vital::StereoMemory * | getAudioMemory () |
Retrieves stereo memory holding recent audio output samples for visualization. | |
const vital::StereoMemory * | getEqualizerMemory () |
Retrieves memory used for equalizer visualization, if available. | |
vital::ModulationConnectionBank & | getModulationBank () |
Retrieves the ModulationConnectionBank managing all modulation connections. | |
void | notifyOversamplingChanged () |
Notifies that oversampling settings have changed, reinitializing the engine if needed. | |
void | checkOversampling () |
Checks and updates oversampling settings. May be called if parameters affecting oversampling change. | |
Tuning * | getTuning () |
Returns a pointer to the synth's Tuning object. | |
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virtual | ~Listener () |
Protected Member Functions | |
SynthGuiInterface * | getGuiInterface () override |
Retrieves the GUI interface if available, for updating controls or notifications. | |
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vital::modulation_change | createModulationChange (vital::ModulationConnection *connection) |
Creates a modulation_change structure for a given connection, preparing it for engine operations. | |
bool | isInvalidConnection (const vital::modulation_change &change) |
Checks if a modulation_change is invalid (e.g., creates a loop). | |
json | saveToJson () |
Serializes the current synth state into a JSON object. | |
bool | loadFromJson (const json &state) |
Deserializes and applies the synth state from a JSON object. | |
vital::ModulationConnection * | getConnection (const std::string &source, const std::string &destination) |
Finds a ModulationConnection by source and destination names. | |
bool | getNextModulationChange (vital::modulation_change &change) |
Attempts to dequeue a modulation_change for processing. | |
void | clearModulationQueue () |
Clears the modulation change queue, removing all pending changes. | |
void | processAudio (AudioSampleBuffer *buffer, int channels, int samples, int offset) |
Processes audio into the given buffer. May be overridden or extended by subclasses. | |
void | processAudioWithInput (AudioSampleBuffer *buffer, const vital::poly_float *input_buffer, int channels, int samples, int offset) |
Processes audio with an input buffer, often used for sidechain or feedback loops. | |
void | writeAudio (AudioSampleBuffer *buffer, int channels, int samples, int offset) |
Writes audio data from the engine to the output buffer. | |
void | processMidi (MidiBuffer &buffer, int start_sample=0, int end_sample=0) |
Processes MIDI messages from a MidiBuffer, applying them to the engine’s sound generation. | |
void | processKeyboardEvents (MidiBuffer &buffer, int num_samples) |
Processes keyboard events from a MidiBuffer, integrating them with the MidiKeyboardState. | |
void | processModulationChanges () |
Processes pending modulation changes and updates the engine accordingly. | |
void | updateMemoryOutput (int samples, const vital::poly_float *audio) |
Updates the oscilloscope memory with the latest audio samples. | |
A headless subclass of SynthBase that provides a critical section and pausing capability.
The HeadlessSynth can operate without a GUI, useful in environments like CLI tools, render farms, or automated test rigs. It uses a CriticalSection to manage audio processing safely.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Provides access to the synth’s internal CriticalSection for thread safety.
Must be implemented by subclasses.
Implements SynthBase.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Retrieves the GUI interface if available, for updating controls or notifications.
Implements SynthBase.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Pauses or resumes audio processing.
When paused, processing locks the critical section to avoid concurrency issues.
pause | True to pause, false to resume. |
Implements SynthBase.