No Matches
SampleViewer Class Reference

A UI component for visually displaying and interacting with an audio sample waveform. More...

#include <sample_viewer.h>

Inheritance diagram for SampleViewer:
OpenGlLineRenderer AudioFileDropSource OpenGlComponent


class  Listener
 Interface for objects that want to be notified when a sample is loaded. More...

Public Member Functions

 SampleViewer ()
virtual ~SampleViewer ()
void init (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) override
void render (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate) override
void destroy (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) override
void resized () override
 Handles component resizing. Adjusts waveform geometry.
void setActive (bool active)
bool isActive () const
void audioFileLoaded (const File &file) override
void repaintAudio ()
 Repaints the waveform after an audio update.
void setLinePositions ()
 Sets the line positions (y-values) of the waveform based on the current sample.
void fileDragEnter (const StringArray &files, int x, int y) override
void fileDragExit (const StringArray &files) override
std::string getName ()
void addListener (Listener *listener)
void setSample (vital::Sample *sample)
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenGlLineRenderer
 OpenGlLineRenderer (int num_points, bool loop=false)
 Constructs an OpenGlLineRenderer for a given number of points.
virtual ~OpenGlLineRenderer ()
force_inline void setColor (Colour color)
 Sets the line color.
force_inline void setLineWidth (float width)
 Sets the line width in pixels.
force_inline void setBoost (float boost)
 Sets a global boost value affecting line thickness.
force_inline float boostLeftAt (int index) const
 Gets the left-side boost at a given point index.
force_inline float boostRightAt (int index) const
 Gets the right-side boost at a given point index.
force_inline float yAt (int index) const
 Gets the y-coordinate of a point at a given index.
force_inline float xAt (int index) const
 Gets the x-coordinate of a point at a given index.
force_inline void setBoostLeft (int index, float val)
 Sets the left-side boost for a point, marking data as dirty.
force_inline void setBoostRight (int index, float val)
 Sets the right-side boost for a point, marking data as dirty.
force_inline void setYAt (int index, float val)
 Sets the y-coordinate of a point, marking data as dirty.
force_inline void setXAt (int index, float val)
 Sets the x-coordinate of a point, marking data as dirty.
void setFillVertices (bool left)
 Sets fill vertices according to the current line and boost data.
void setLineVertices (bool left)
 Sets line vertices according to the current line and boost data.
force_inline void setFill (bool fill)
 Enables or disables filling below the line.
force_inline void setFillColor (Colour fill_color)
 Sets a uniform fill color if only one color is needed.
force_inline void setFillColors (Colour fill_color_from, Colour fill_color_to)
 Sets a gradient fill from one color to another.
force_inline void setFillCenter (float fill_center)
 Sets the vertical center for the fill area.
force_inline void setFit (bool fit)
 Enables fitting the line inside the available area.
force_inline void setBoostAmount (float boost_amount)
 Sets the boost amount that affects line thickness.
force_inline void setFillBoostAmount (float boost_amount)
 Sets the boost amount that affects fill thickness.
force_inline void setIndex (int index)
 Sets an index used for custom behavior (e.g., multiple line sets).
void boostLeftRange (float start, float end, int buffer_vertices, float min)
 Boosts left-side range of the line.
void boostRightRange (float start, float end, int buffer_vertices, float min)
 Boosts right-side range of the line.
void boostRange (float *boosts, float start, float end, int buffer_vertices, float min)
 Boosts a range for the given boost array.
void boostRange (vital::poly_float start, vital::poly_float end, int buffer_vertices, vital::poly_float min)
 Boosts left and right arrays using poly_float parameters.
void decayBoosts (vital::poly_float mult)
 Decays all boosts by a multiplicative factor, allowing animated damping.
void enableBackwardBoost (bool enable)
 Enables backward boost calculation for symmetrical line deformation.
force_inline int numPoints () const
 Gets the number of points in the line.
force_inline Colour color () const
 Gets the current line color.
void drawLines (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool left)
 Draws the line and optional fill using OpenGL.
bool anyBoostValue ()
 Checks if any boost value is set.
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpenGlComponent
 OpenGlComponent (String name="")
 Constructs an OpenGlComponent.
virtual ~OpenGlComponent ()
virtual void parentHierarchyChanged () override
 Called when the component's parent hierarchy changes.
void addRoundedCorners ()
 Adds rounded corners to the component's edges.
void addBottomRoundedCorners ()
 Adds rounded corners only at the bottom of the component.
void renderCorners (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate, Colour color, float rounding)
 Renders the corner shapes using the given color and rounding amount.
void renderCorners (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate)
 Renders corners with default body color and rounding.
virtual void paintBackground (Graphics &g)
 Paints a standard background for the component.
void repaintBackground ()
 Requests a repaint of the component's background on the OpenGL layer.
Colour getBodyColor () const
 Retrieves the component's body color.
void setParent (const SynthSection *parent)
 Sets a pointer to the parent SynthSection for skin value lookups.
float findValue (Skin::ValueId value_id)
 Finds a float value from the skin associated with this component's parent.
void setSkinValues (const Skin &skin)
 Applies the skin overrides to this component's colors.
void setSkinOverride (Skin::SectionOverride skin_override)
 Sets a skin override to control the component's color scheme.
force_inline void checkGlError ()
 Checks for and asserts that there are no OpenGL errors.
void setBackgroundColor (const Colour &color)
 Sets the background color of the component for painting operations.
- Public Member Functions inherited from AudioFileDropSource
 AudioFileDropSource ()
 Constructs an AudioFileDropSource and registers basic audio formats.
bool isInterestedInFileDrag (const StringArray &files) override
 Checks if the drag operation includes exactly one file and if it matches supported audio formats.
void filesDropped (const StringArray &files, int x, int y) override
 Called when files are dropped onto the component.
void addListener (Listener *listener)
 Adds a listener to receive audio file load notifications.
String getExtensions ()
 Gets a wildcard pattern representing all supported audio formats.
AudioFormatManager & formatManager ()
 Provides access to the underlying AudioFormatManager.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr float kResolution = 256
 The resolution of the waveform, in number of points.
static constexpr float kBoostDecay = 0.9f
 The decay factor for line boosts.
static constexpr float kSpeedDecayMult = 5.0f
 The multiplier for decay when lines move quickly.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from OpenGlLineRenderer
static constexpr int kLineFloatsPerVertex = 3
 Floats per vertex in the line data (x, y, and potentially others).
static constexpr int kFillFloatsPerVertex = 4
 Floats per vertex in the fill data (x, y, and boost value).
static constexpr int kLineVerticesPerPoint = 6
 Number of vertices per point in the line representation.
static constexpr int kFillVerticesPerPoint = 2
 Number of vertices per point in the fill representation.
static constexpr int kLineFloatsPerPoint = kLineVerticesPerPoint * kLineFloatsPerVertex
 Floats per point in the line data (6 vertices * 3 floats each).
static constexpr int kFillFloatsPerPoint = kFillVerticesPerPoint * kFillFloatsPerVertex
 Floats per point in the fill data (2 vertices * 4 floats each).

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OpenGlComponent
static bool setViewPort (Component *component, Rectangle< int > bounds, OpenGlWrapper &open_gl)
 Sets the OpenGL viewport to match a specified rectangle within a component.
static bool setViewPort (Component *component, OpenGlWrapper &open_gl)
 Convenience overload that sets the viewport for the entire component's local bounds.
static void setScissor (Component *component, OpenGlWrapper &open_gl)
 Sets the OpenGL scissor region to the entire component's local bounds.
static void setScissorBounds (Component *component, Rectangle< int > bounds, OpenGlWrapper &open_gl)
 Sets the OpenGL scissor region to a specified rectangle within a component.
static std::unique_ptr< OpenGLShaderProgram::Uniform > getUniform (const OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, const OpenGLShaderProgram &program, const char *name)
 Retrieves a uniform from the shader program if it exists.
static std::unique_ptr< OpenGLShaderProgram::Attribute > getAttribute (const OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, const OpenGLShaderProgram &program, const char *name)
 Retrieves an attribute from the shader program if it exists.
static String translateFragmentShader (const String &code)
 Translates a fragment shader code snippet to be compatible with the current GL version.
static String translateVertexShader (const String &code)
 Translates a vertex shader code snippet to be compatible with the current GL version.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OpenGlComponent
bool setViewPort (OpenGlWrapper &open_gl)
 Sets the viewport for this component using the current OpenGlWrapper.
- Protected Attributes inherited from OpenGlComponent
std::unique_ptr< OpenGlCornerscorners_
 Optional corners for rounded edges.
bool only_bottom_corners_
 Flag to round only the bottom corners.
Colour background_color_
 The background color of the component.
Colour body_color_
 The body color of the component.
const SynthSectionparent_
 Pointer to parent SynthSection for skin lookups.
Skin::SectionOverride skin_override_
 Skin override for custom appearance.
const vital::StatusOutputnum_voices_readout_
 StatusOutput for voice count lookups.
- Protected Attributes inherited from AudioFileDropSource
AudioFormatManager format_manager_
 Manages and recognizes different audio file formats.

Detailed Description

A UI component for visually displaying and interacting with an audio sample waveform.

The SampleViewer uses OpenGL rendering to show a waveform of a loaded sample. It can react to audio file drops, updates from the synthesizer engine, and provides animated line boosts that visualize sample playback position.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SampleViewer()

SampleViewer::SampleViewer ( )


Constructs a new SampleViewer with default parameters.

◆ ~SampleViewer()

SampleViewer::~SampleViewer ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ addListener()

void SampleViewer::addListener ( Listener * listener)

Adds a listener to receive events from this SampleViewer.

listenerThe listener to add.

◆ audioFileLoaded()

void SampleViewer::audioFileLoaded ( const File & file)

Called when an audio file is loaded. Notifies listeners and updates the waveform.

fileThe loaded audio file.

Handles the loading of an audio file. Notifies registered listeners and updates the waveform display.

fileThe audio file that was loaded.

Implements AudioFileDropSource.

◆ destroy()

void SampleViewer::destroy ( OpenGlWrapper & open_gl)

Destroys OpenGL resources associated with this component.

open_glThe OpenGlWrapper for managing OpenGL state.

Reimplemented from OpenGlLineRenderer.

◆ fileDragEnter()

void SampleViewer::fileDragEnter ( const StringArray & files,
int x,
int y )

Called when an audio file drag enters the viewer region.

filesThe dragged files.
xThe x-position of the mouse.
yThe y-position of the mouse.

◆ fileDragExit()

void SampleViewer::fileDragExit ( const StringArray & files)

Called when an audio file drag exits the viewer region.

filesThe dragged files.

◆ getName()

std::string SampleViewer::getName ( )

Gets the name of the currently loaded sample.

The sample name if a sample is loaded, otherwise an empty string.

Retrieves the name of the currently loaded sample.

The sample name, or an empty string if no sample is loaded.

◆ init()

void SampleViewer::init ( OpenGlWrapper & open_gl)

Initializes OpenGL resources for this component.

open_glThe OpenGlWrapper for managing OpenGL state.

Reimplemented from OpenGlLineRenderer.

◆ isActive()

bool SampleViewer::isActive ( ) const

Checks if the SampleViewer is active.

True if active, false otherwise.

◆ render()

void SampleViewer::render ( OpenGlWrapper & open_gl,
bool animate )

Renders the waveform and overlays.

open_glThe OpenGlWrapper for managing OpenGL state.
animateIf true, the component should animate.

Renders the waveform and applies animations. This is called regularly to update the displayed waveform state.

open_glThe OpenGlWrapper for managing OpenGL state.
animateIf true, the component should animate its waveform.

Reimplemented from OpenGlLineRenderer.

◆ repaintAudio()

void SampleViewer::repaintAudio ( )

Repaints the waveform after an audio update.

Repaints the audio waveform by resetting drag state and repositioning the lines.

◆ resized()

void SampleViewer::resized ( )

Handles component resizing. Adjusts waveform geometry.

Handles the component resize event. Adjusts the positions of the waveform points and related components.

Reimplemented from OpenGlComponent.

◆ setActive()

void SampleViewer::setActive ( bool active)

Sets the active state of the SampleViewer.

activeTrue to mark it as active, false otherwise.

◆ setLinePositions()

void SampleViewer::setLinePositions ( )

Sets the line positions (y-values) of the waveform based on the current sample.

Sets the waveform line positions based on the currently loaded sample.

◆ setSample()

void SampleViewer::setSample ( vital::Sample * sample)

Sets the sample to be viewed.

sampleThe sample to display.

Member Data Documentation

◆ kBoostDecay

float SampleViewer::kBoostDecay = 0.9f

The decay factor for line boosts.

◆ kResolution

float SampleViewer::kResolution = 256

The resolution of the waveform, in number of points.

◆ kSpeedDecayMult

float SampleViewer::kSpeedDecayMult = 5.0f

The multiplier for decay when lines move quickly.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: