No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cvital::AggregateVoiceAn aggregate grouping that pairs multiple (parallel) voices with a shared Processor instance
 CAuthenticationA no-op stub implementation used when authentication is disabled
 CSynthButton::ButtonListenerInterface for objects interested in changes to SynthButton state
 Cvital::CircularQueue< T >A generic circular buffer (FIFO) data structure that allows adding and removing elements efficiently
 Cvital::CircularQueue< int >
 Cvital::CircularQueue< std::pair< vital::Output *, vital::Output * > >
 Cvital::CircularQueue< std::unique_ptr< vital::AggregateVoice > >
 Cvital::CircularQueue< std::unique_ptr< vital::Voice > >
 Cvital::CircularQueue< vital::AggregateVoice * >
 Cvital::CircularQueue< vital::ModulationConnection * >
 Cvital::CircularQueue< vital::ModulationConnectionProcessor * >
 Cvital::CircularQueue< vital::Processor * >
 Cvital::CircularQueue< vital::Voice * >
 CDownloadSection::DownloadPackRepresents a downloadable pack with name, author, ID, URL, and local destination file
 CAudioFileViewer::DragListenerInterface for listening to mouse drag movements relative to the waveform
 Cvital::FFT< bits >A template class to provide a statically allocated FourierTransform instance for a given number of bits
 CContentList::FileNameAscendingComparatorComparator classes for sorting files by name or date
 CSelectionList::FileNameAscendingComparatorComparator for sorting files by name ascending
 CLoadSave::FileSorterAscendingA helper class for sorting files in ascending order based on their names
 Cvital::SynthFilter::FilterStateHolds the parameters necessary to configure a SynthFilter at runtime
 Cvital::DigitalSvf::FilterValuesStores three filter state variables (v0, v1, v2) used for multi-mode mixing
 CFontsA singleton class providing access to a set of custom fonts
 Cvital::FourierTransformA Fourier transform implementation using KissFFT for platforms where other accelerations are unavailable
 Cvital::InputRepresents a connection to an Output from another Processor
 Cvital::utils::int_floatA small union to reinterpret an int as a float or vice versa
 Cvital::CircularQueue< T >::iteratorA forward and backward iterator for iterating over the elements in the CircularQueue
 Cvital::SynthLfo::LfoStateHolds the state of the LFO for either control-rate or audio-rate processing
 CLineGeneratorA class for generating and storing a line shape, defined by a series of points and associated powers
 CAudioFileDropSource::ListenerA listener interface for classes interested in receiving audio file load events
 CBankExporter::ListenerInterface for objects that need to respond to the BankExporter being hidden
 CBarEditor::ListenerInterface for receiving notifications when bar values are changed
 CContentList::ListenerInterface for objects that need to respond to changes in selected presets
 CDelayFilterViewer::ListenerInterface for objects that want to respond to mouse drag movements in the filter viewer
 CDeleteSection::ListenerInterface for objects that need to respond when a file is deleted
 CDownloadSection::ListenerInterface for objects that need to respond to data directory changes or no-download scenarios
 CDragDropEffectOrder::ListenerListener interface for responding to changes in the drag/drop order or effect states
 CDraggableEffect::ListenerListener interface for responding to changes in the DraggableEffect’s enabled state
 CDragMagnifyingGlass::ListenerInterface for objects that need to respond to magnification changes
 CEffectsInterface::ListenerInterface for objects that need to respond when effects are moved or scrolled
 CEffectsViewport::ListenerInterface for objects that need to respond when the effects viewport is scrolled
 CEqualizerResponse::ListenerInterface for objects that want to be notified when a band is selected
 CFilterSection::ListenerAn interface for objects that need to respond to changes in the FilterSection
 CHeaderSection::ListenerInterface for objects that need to be notified of events from the HeaderSection
 CLineEditor::ListenerInterface for classes that want to receive notifications about line editor changes
 CLogoSection::ListenerInterface for objects that need to respond to logo interactions
 CMidiManager::ListenerAn interface for classes that listen to MIDI-driven parameter changes
 CModulationAmountKnob::ListenerInterface for objects interested in ModulationAmountKnob events
 CModulationButton::ListenerInterface for receiving notifications about modulation events from the ModulationButton
 CModulationExpansionBox::ListenerInterface for objects interested in focus changes of the ModulationExpansionBox
 CModulationMatrix::ListenerInterface for objects that need to respond to modulation matrix scrolling events
 CModulationMatrixRow::ListenerInterface for objects that need to respond to row selection changes
 CModulationTabSelector::ListenerInterface for objects interested in ModulationTabSelector events
 CModulationViewport::ListenerA listener interface for responding to scrolling events in the modulation viewport
 COscillatorSection::ListenerListener interface for receiving oscillator section changes
 COverlay::ListenerInterface for receiving notifications about overlay visibility changes
 CPhaseEditor::ListenerInterface for receiving notifications when the phase value changes
 CPopupClosingArea::ListenerInterface for receiving closing area click events
 CPopupList::ListenerInterface for receiving selection events from PopupList
 CPresetBrowser::ListenerInterface for events from the PresetBrowser (e.g. preset selected, deleted, or browser hidden)
 CPresetList::ListenerInterface for receiving preset selection and deletion requests
 CPresetSelector::ListenerInterface for objects that want to be notified of PresetSelector events
 CSampleSection::ListenerInterface for receiving events when the sample destination changes
 CSampleViewer::ListenerInterface for objects that want to be notified when a sample is loaded
 CSaveSection::ListenerInterface for objects interested in the result of the save action
 CSelectionList::ListenerInterface for receiving selection events from SelectionList
 CSynthPresetSelector::ListenerInterface for components that need to respond to preset selector events
 CTransposeQuantizeButton::ListenerInterface for objects that want to be notified of quantization changes
 CTransposeQuantizeCallOut::ListenerInterface for objects that want to be notified when quantization changes
 CUpdateCheckSection::ListenerInterface for components interested in update notifications
 CValueBridge::ListenerAn interface for receiving parameter change notifications from the ValueBridge
 CWaveSourceEditor::ListenerInterface for receiving notifications about waveform modifications
 CWavetable3d::ListenerInterface for components that need to respond to wavetable loading or transformations
 CWavetableComponentList::ListenerInterface for objects wanting to know when the component list changes
 CWavetableComponentOverlay::ListenerA listener interface for receiving changes to the wavetable overlay
 CWavetableComponentViewport::ListenerInterface for objects wanting to know when the viewport scrolls
 CWavetableOrganizer::ListenerInterface for objects that need to respond to organizer events
 CWavetablePlayhead::ListenerA listener interface for objects interested in playhead position changes
 CWaveWindowEditor::ListenerInterface for receiving notifications about window position changes
 CLoadSaveA utility class for loading and saving configuration, preset, and state data for the Vital synthesizer
 Cvital::matrixA structure representing a 4x1 matrix of poly_float rows
 Cvital::MemoryTemplate< kChannels >A template for a memory buffer that stores time-domain samples for one or more channels
 Cvital::MemoryTemplate< 2 >
 Cvital::MemoryTemplate< poly_float::kSize >
 Cvital::modulation_changeA structure describing changes to the modulation routing in the engine
 Cvital::ModulationConnectionA structure representing a single modulation connection between a modulation source and a destination parameter
 Cvital::ModulationConnectionBankA container managing a fixed number of ModulationConnections
 Cvital::ModuleDataHolds various data structures that define the internal state of a SynthModule
 Cvital::NoteHandlerAn interface for handling MIDI note events within a synthesizer or audio system
 Cvital::OneDimLookup< function, resolution >A one-dimensional lookup table for a given function with a specified resolution
 Cvital::OnePoleFilter< saturate >A one-pole filter implementation with optional nonlinear saturation
 Cvital::OnePoleFilter< futils::algebraicSat >
 Cvital::OnePoleFilter< futils::quickTanh >
 Cvital::OnePoleFilter< saturate >
 Cvital::OnePoleFilter< saturate2 >
 COpenGlBackgroundA class that manages and renders a background image using OpenGL
 COpenGlImageA utility class for rendering a single image using OpenGL
 COpenGlWrapperA helper struct containing references to OpenGL context, shaders, and display scale
 Cvital::OutputHolds and manages a buffer of samples (poly_float) for a Processor's output
 Cvital::ParametersA static utility class to access parameter details globally
 CPathsA utility class providing static functions to generate various SVG-based or programmatic paths
 Cvital::PhaseBufferHolds a buffer of poly_int values for phase information
 CPitchDetectorA utility class for estimating the pitch (fundamental period) of a given audio signal segment
 Cvital::poly_floatRepresents a vector of floating-point values using SIMD instructions
 Cvital::poly_intRepresents a vector of integer values using SIMD instructions
 CPopupItemsA hierarchical structure of popup menu items for a selector component
 Cvital::PredefinedWaveFramesHolds a set of predefined WaveFrame shapes that can be used as basic building blocks
 CPresetInfoCacheA cache for preset metadata such as author and style for faster repeated lookups
 Cvital::ProcessorBase class for all signal-processing units in Vital
 Cvital::ProcessorStateHolds shared state regarding sample rate, oversampling, and other flags
 Cvital::utils::RandomGeneratorA basic random number generator for producing uniform distributions of floats
 Cvital::RandomLfo::RandomStateHolds the internal state of the RandomLfo for a given voice or channel
 Cvital::RandomValuesA singleton class that generates and stores random poly_float values
 Cvital::SampleHolds and manages a single sampled waveform, including stereo or mono data and multiple band-limited versions for different playback rates
 CFileSource::SampleBufferA simple structure holding a buffer of samples loaded from the file source
 Cvital::Sample::SampleDataHolds the actual audio buffers (left/right) for multiple band-limited versions (both looped and non-looped), and associated metadata like length and sample rate
 Cvital::poly_float::scalar_simd_unionHelper union for copying between a scalar array and a SIMD type
 Cvital::poly_int::scalar_simd_unionHelper union for copying between a scalar array and a SIMD type
 CContentList::SelectedComparatorComparator for sorting by whether a file is selected or not
 CShadersManages and provides access to vertex and fragment shaders used by the OpenGL rendering pipeline
 Cvital::poly_float::simd_scalar_unionHelper union for copying between a SIMD type and a scalar array
 Cvital::poly_int::simd_scalar_unionHelper union for copying between a SIMD type and a scalar array
 CSkinManages the overall color and value theme (or "skin") of the user interface
 CSynthSlider::SliderListenerListener interface for receiving slider events such as mouse interactions, modulation changes, and GUI changes
 CStartupA utility class that handles initialization tasks and compatibility checks upon Vital’s startup
 Cvital::StatusOutputA helper class to track the "status" of a particular Output as a poly_float value
 Cvital::StringLayoutManages a keyboard layout mapping for a computer keyboard used as a MIDI input device
 Cvital::SynthFilterAbstract base class for Vital’s synthesizer filters
 CSynthGuiDataA struct holding references and data used by the GUI to interact with the SynthBase
 CSynthGuiInterfaceAn interface class linking the Vital synthesizer backend (SynthBase) with a GUI
 CTuningA class for managing microtonal tunings and custom pitch mappings in Vital
 Cvital::ValueDetailsHolds metadata about a single parameter (control) in the Vital synthesizer
 Cvital::ValueDetailsLookupMaintains a lookup table for all parameters defined in Vital
 Cvital::VoiceRepresents a single playing note/voice, including voice-state and event handling
 Cvital::SynthOscillator::VoiceBlockA helper struct for loading per-voice data during audio processing
 Cvital::VoiceStateHolds state data for a single voice, such as MIDI note, velocity, pitch bend, etc
 Cvital::WaveFrameRepresents a single frame of a wavetable, containing both time-domain and frequency-domain data
 Cvital::WavetableA class representing a wavetable, holding multiple frames of waveforms and their frequency-domain representations
 CWavetableComponentA base class representing a component in a wavetable synthesis chain
 CWavetableComponentFactoryFactory class for creating and identifying different types of WavetableComponents
 CWavetableCreatorA class responsible for creating complete wavetables from groups of wavetable components
 Cvital::Wavetable::WavetableDataStruct holding all necessary data for the Wavetable, including multiple frames
 CWavetableGroupA class representing a group of WavetableComponents combined to form part of a wavetable
 CWavetableKeyframeRepresents a single state of a waveform at a specific position in a wavetable
 CWavetableOverlayFactoryA factory class for creating and configuring overlay components for wavetable editing