| about_section.cpp |
| Implements the AboutSection class which shows application details, device settings, and GUI scaling options.
| about_section.h |
| Declares the AboutSection class, which displays information about the application and allows configuration of settings.
| authentication_section.cpp |
| Implements the AuthenticationSection class and related functionality for user authentication.
| authentication_section.h |
| Declares the AuthenticationSection class and related components for user authentication.
| bank_exporter.cpp |
| Implements the ContentList and BankExporter classes for exporting collections of user content.
| bank_exporter.h |
| Declares the ContentList and BankExporter classes for exporting banks of presets, wavetables, LFOs, and samples.
| bend_section.cpp |
| Implements the BendSection, PitchWheel, and ModWheel classes.
| bend_section.h |
| Declares classes for pitch and modulation wheels, and the BendSection container.
| chorus_section.cpp |
| Implements the ChorusSection class, which provides a UI for configuring chorus effects.
| chorus_section.h |
| Declares the ChorusSection class, which provides a UI for configuring chorus effects.
| compressor_section.cpp |
| Implements the CompressorSection class for configuring a multiband compressor.
| compressor_section.h |
| Declares the CompressorSection class, providing a UI for a multiband compressor.
| delay_section.cpp |
| Implements the DelaySection class and associated viewer classes for displaying and controlling a delay effect.
| delay_section.h |
| Declares the DelaySection class and related viewer classes for displaying and controlling a delay effect.
| delete_section.cpp |
| Implements the DeleteSection class for confirming and performing file deletions.
| delete_section.h |
| Declares the DeleteSection class, which provides a confirmation overlay for deleting a preset file.
| distortion_section.cpp |
| Implements the DistortionSection class and related viewer classes for distortion effects.
| distortion_section.h |
| Declares the DistortionSection class and related components for displaying and controlling a distortion effect.
| download_section.cpp |
| Implements the DownloadSection class for managing and displaying the download and installation of packs.
| download_section.h |
| Declares the DownloadSection class, providing a UI for downloading and installing preset packs.
| effects_interface.cpp |
| Implements the EffectsInterface class, managing and displaying multiple effects sections with scrolling and ordering.
| effects_interface.h |
| Declares the EffectsInterface class and related components for managing and displaying multiple effects sections.
| envelope_section.cpp |
| Implements the EnvelopeSection class for configuring ADSR envelopes and zooming the editor view.
| envelope_section.h |
| Declares the EnvelopeSection class, which provides a UI for configuring ADSR-type envelopes.
| equalizer_section.cpp |
| Implements the EqualizerSection class, managing a 3-band EQ with mode switching and visuals.
| equalizer_section.h |
| Declares the EqualizerSection class, providing a UI for a 3-band equalizer with adjustable modes and frequency responses.
| expired_section.cpp |
| expired_section.h |
| extra_mod_section.cpp |
| extra_mod_section.h |
| filter_section.cpp |
| filter_section.h |
| flanger_section.cpp |
| flanger_section.h |
| full_interface.cpp |
| full_interface.h |
| header_section.cpp |
| header_section.h |
| help_panel.cpp |
| help_panel.h |
| keyboard_interface.cpp |
| keyboard_interface.h |
| lfo_section.cpp |
| lfo_section.h |
| macro_knob_section.cpp |
| macro_knob_section.h |
| master_controls_interface.cpp |
| master_controls_interface.h |
| modulation_interface.cpp |
| modulation_interface.h |
| modulation_manager.cpp |
| modulation_manager.h |
| modulation_matrix.cpp |
| modulation_matrix.h |
| oscillator_advanced_section.cpp |
| oscillator_advanced_section.h |
| oscillator_section.cpp |
| oscillator_section.h |
| phaser_section.cpp |
| phaser_section.h |
| popup_browser.cpp |
| popup_browser.h |
| portamento_section.cpp |
| portamento_section.h |
| preset_browser.cpp |
| preset_browser.h |
| random_section.cpp |
| random_section.h |
| reverb_section.cpp |
| reverb_section.h |
| sample_section.cpp |
| sample_section.h |
| save_section.cpp |
| save_section.h |
| synth_section.cpp |
| synth_section.h |
| synthesis_interface.cpp |
| synthesis_interface.h |
| update_check_section.cpp |
| update_check_section.h |
| voice_section.cpp |
| voice_section.h |
| volume_section.cpp |
| volume_section.h |
| wavetable_edit_section.cpp |
| wavetable_edit_section.h |