17 float width,
float height,
float wave_height_percent,
18 float wave_range_x,
float frame_range_x,
float wave_range_y,
float frame_range_y,
19 float start_x,
float start_y,
float offset_x,
float offset_y) {
20 PathStrokeType stroke(2.5f, PathStrokeType::beveled, PathStrokeType::butt);
23 float wave_start_x = start_x + frame_t * frame_range_x;
24 float wave_start_y = start_y + frame_t * frame_range_y;
26 float* buffer = wavetable->
30 float loop_y_offset = -wave_height_percent * loop_value;
31 path.startNewSubPath(wave_start_x * width, (wave_start_y + loop_y_offset) * height);
38 float value = buffer[i];
39 float y_offset = -wave_height_percent * value;
40 float x = wave_start_x + wave_t * wave_range_x;
41 float y = wave_start_y + wave_t * wave_range_y + y_offset;
42 path.lineTo(x * width, y * height);
45 path.lineTo((wave_start_x + wave_range_x) * width, (wave_start_y + wave_range_y + loop_y_offset) * height);
47 g.strokePath(path, stroke);
51 Colour background_color, Colour wave_color1, Colour wave_color2,
52 float width,
float height,
53 float wave_height_percent,
54 float wave_range_x,
float frame_range_x,
float wave_range_y,
float frame_range_y,
55 float start_x,
float start_y,
float offset_x,
float offset_y) {
56 PathStrokeType stroke(1.0f, PathStrokeType::beveled, PathStrokeType::butt);
60 float wave_start_x = start_x + frame_t * frame_range_x;
61 float wave_start_y = start_y + frame_t * frame_range_y;
68 float loop_y_offset = -wave_height_percent * loop_value;
69 path.startNewSubPath(wave_start_x * width, (wave_start_y + loop_y_offset) * height);
71 Colour wave_color = wave_color1;
73 wave_color = wave_color2;
75 wave_color = wave_color.withSaturation(0.0f).interpolatedWith(background_color, 0.5f);
77 Colour wave_dip = background_color;
78 wave_dip = wave_dip.withAlpha(wave_color.getAlpha());
80 g.setGradientFill(ColourGradient(wave_color, wave_start_x * width, start_y * height,
81 wave_dip, (wave_start_x + offset_x) * width,
82 (start_y + offset_y) * height,
87 float value = buffer[i];
88 float y_offset = -wave_height_percent * value;
89 float x = wave_start_x + wave_t * wave_range_x;
90 float y = wave_start_y + wave_t * wave_range_y + y_offset;
91 path.lineTo(x * width, y * height);
94 path.lineTo((wave_start_x + wave_range_x) * width, (wave_start_y + wave_range_y + loop_y_offset) * height);
96 g.strokePath(path, stroke);
103 left_line_renderer_(kResolution + 2), right_line_renderer_(kResolution + 2),
104 end_caps_(2,
106 size_(kResolution), index_(index), wavetable_(nullptr) {
107 wavetable_index_ = 0;
108 std::string number = std::to_string(index_ + 1);
109 std::string wave_frame_name =
"osc_" + number +
110 wave_frame_outputs_ = {
111 mono_modulations.at(wave_frame_name),
112 poly_modulations.at(wave_frame_name)
115 std::string spectral_morph_name =
"osc_" + number +
116 spectral_morph_outputs_ = {
117 mono_modulations.at(spectral_morph_name),
118 poly_modulations.at(spectral_morph_name)
121 std::string distortion_name =
"osc_" + number +
122 distortion_outputs_ = {
123 mono_modulations.at(distortion_name),
124 poly_modulations.at(distortion_name)
127 std::string distortion_phase_name =
"osc_" + number +
128 distortion_phase_outputs_ = {
129 mono_modulations.at(distortion_phase_name),
130 poly_modulations.at(distortion_phase_name)
134 import_overlay_.
setQuad(0, -1.0f, -1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);
135 wavetable_import_text_ = std::make_unique<PlainTextComponent>(
136 wavetable_import_text_->setJustification(Justification::centred);
138 addAndMakeVisible(wavetable_import_text_.get());
139 vocode_import_text_ = std::make_unique<PlainTextComponent>(
140 vocode_import_text_->setJustification(Justification::centred);
142 addAndMakeVisible(vocode_import_text_.get());
143 pitch_splice_import_text_ = std::make_unique<PlainTextComponent>(
"pitch splice",
144 pitch_splice_import_text_->setJustification(Justification::centred);
146 addAndMakeVisible(pitch_splice_import_text_.get());
148 wavetable_ =
149 frame_slider_ =
154 spectral_morph_slider_ =
155 distortion_slider_ =
156 distortion_phase_slider_ =
158 loading_wavetable_ =
159 last_loading_wavetable_ =
163 current_value_ = 0.0;
170 setDimensionValues();
172 addAndMakeVisible(left_line_renderer_);
173 addAndMakeVisible(right_line_renderer_);
174 addAndMakeVisible(end_caps_);
176 left_line_renderer_.setInterceptsMouseClicks(
177 right_line_renderer_.setInterceptsMouseClicks(
187 if (wavetable_ ==
nullptr) {
194 PathStrokeType stroke(1.0f, PathStrokeType::beveled, PathStrokeType::butt);
195 Colour background_color = findColour(
200 getWidth(), getHeight(),
201 wave_height_percent_, wave_range_x_, frame_range_x_, wave_range_y_, frame_range_y_,
202 start_x_, start_y_, offset_x_, offset_y_);
206 static constexpr float kTextHeightPercent = 0.1f;
208 setDimensionValues();
211 left_line_renderer_.setBounds(getLocalBounds());
212 right_line_renderer_.setBounds(getLocalBounds());
213 end_caps_.setBounds(getLocalBounds());
216 float font_height = getHeight() * kTextHeightPercent;
217 int text_height = getHeight() / 2;
218 int text_y_adjust = getHeight() / 4;
219 int width = getWidth();
221 wavetable_import_text_->setTextSize(font_height);
222 vocode_import_text_->setTextSize(font_height);
223 pitch_splice_import_text_->setTextSize(font_height);
225 wavetable_import_text_->setBounds(0, 0, width, text_height);
226 vocode_import_text_->setBounds(0, text_y_adjust, width, text_height);
227 pitch_splice_import_text_->setBounds(0, 2 * text_y_adjust, width, text_height);
228 wavetable_import_text_->redrawImage(
229 vocode_import_text_->redrawImage(
230 pitch_splice_import_text_->redrawImage(
237 std::pair<vital::Output*, vital::Output*> outputs,
vital::poly_float default_value) {
238 if (!outputs.first->owner->enabled() || !animate_)
239 return default_value;
241 return outputs.first->trigger_value;
243 return outputs.first->trigger_value + outputs.second->trigger_value;
247 Component::mouseDown(e);
248 if (e.mods.isPopupMenu()) {
259 FullInterface* full_interface = findParentComponentOfClass<FullInterface>();
267 SynthSection* parent = findParentComponentOfClass<SynthSection>();
268 parent->
this, e.getPosition(), options, [=](
int selection) { respondToMenuCallback(selection); });
271 if (frame_slider_ ==
274 current_value_ = frame_slider_->getValue();
275 last_edit_position_ = e.getPosition();
281 Component::mouseDrag(e);
282 if (frame_slider_ ==
nullptr || e.mods.isRightButtonDown())
285 Point<int> position = e.getPosition();
286 int delta = position.y - last_edit_position_.y;
287 float range = frame_slider_->getMaximum() - frame_slider_->getMinimum();
288 current_value_ -= delta * range / getHeight();
289 current_value_ = std::max(std::min(current_value_, frame_slider_->getMaximum()), frame_slider_->getMinimum());
290 frame_slider_->setValue(current_value_);
292 last_edit_position_ = position;
303bool Wavetable3d::updateRenderValues() {
304 bool new_morph = last_spectral_morph_type_ != spectral_morph_type_ ||
305 last_distortion_type_ != distortion_type_ ||
306 last_render_type_ != render_type_ || last_loading_wavetable_ != loading_wavetable_;
307 last_spectral_morph_type_ = spectral_morph_type_;
308 last_distortion_type_ = distortion_type_;
309 last_render_type_ = render_type_;
310 last_loading_wavetable_ = loading_wavetable_;
312 vital::poly_float wave_frame = getOutputsTotal(wave_frame_outputs_, frame_slider_->getValue());
323 wave_frame_ = wave_frame;
324 spectral_morph_value_ = spectral_morph_value;
325 distortion_value_ = distortion_value;
326 distortion_phase_ = distortion_phase;
328 return !loading_wavetable_ && ((~equal).anyMask() || new_morph);
331void Wavetable3d::loadWaveData(
int index) {
332 if (wavetable_ ==
335 float width = getWidth();
336 float height = getHeight();
339 float wave_width = width;
340 float wave_range_y = 0.0f;
341 float start_x = 0.0f;
342 float start_y = height / 2.0f;
344 if (last_render_type_ ==
kWave3d) {
345 float wave_frame = getOutputsTotal(wave_frame_outputs_, frame_slider_->getValue())[index];
347 start_x = (0.5f * (1.0f - wave_range_x_ - frame_range_x_) + frame_range_x_ * frame_t) * width;
348 start_y = (0.5f * (1.0f - wave_range_y_ - frame_range_y_) + y_offset_ + frame_range_y_ * frame_t) * height;
349 wave_width = wave_range_x_ * width;
350 wave_range_y = wave_range_y_ * height;
351 wave_height = wave_height_percent_ * height;
354 loadIntoTimeDomain(index);
358 renderer = &right_line_renderer_;
362 float delta = 1.0f / size_;
363 for (
int i = 0; i < size_ - vital::poly_float::kSize + 1; i += vital::poly_float::kSize) {
366 for (
int v = 0; v < vital::poly_float::kSize; ++v) {
367 int point_index = i + v + 1;
368 renderer->
setXAt(point_index, start_x + t[v] * wave_width);
369 float y = start_y - time_domain[i + v] * wave_height + t[v] * wave_range_y;
370 renderer->
setYAt(point_index, y);
374 float average = (renderer->
yAt(1) + renderer->
yAt(size_) - wave_range_y) * 0.5f;
375 renderer->
setXAt(0, start_x);
376 renderer->
setYAt(0, average);
377 int line_end_index = size_ + 1;
378 renderer->
setXAt(line_end_index, start_x + wave_width);
379 renderer->
setYAt(line_end_index, average + wave_range_y);
382void Wavetable3d::loadSpectrumData(
int index) {
383 static constexpr float kMinDb = -30.0f;
384 static constexpr float kMaxDb = 50.0f;
385 static constexpr float kDbRange = kMaxDb - kMinDb;
386 static constexpr float kDbBoostPerOctave = 3.0f;
388 loadIntoTimeDomain(index);
394 renderer = &right_line_renderer_;
396 int width = getWidth();
397 int height = getHeight();
398 float center = height * 0.5f;
400 float scale = 1.0f / num_points;
401 int last_frequency = 0;
402 for (
int i = 0; i <= num_points; ++i) {
404 float t = i * 1.0f / num_points;
407 renderer->
setXAt(invert_i, x);
411 float frequency_t = position - frequency;
413 float amplitude_from = std::abs(frequency_domain[frequency]);
414 float amplitude_to = std::abs(frequency_domain[frequency + 1]);
417 for (
int f = last_frequency + 1; f < frequency; ++f)
418 amplitude = std::max(std::abs(frequency_domain[f]) * scale, amplitude);
420 last_frequency = frequency;
423 float y = std::max(db - kMinDb, 0.0f) / kDbRange;
424 renderer->
setYAt(i, y * center + center);
425 renderer->
setYAt(invert_i, -y * center + center);
428 float end = width * 1.5f;
432 renderer->
setXAt(invert_i, end);
433 renderer->
setYAt(i, center);
434 renderer->
setYAt(invert_i, center);
439 left_line_renderer_.
440 right_line_renderer_.
441 end_caps_.
442 import_overlay_.
443 wavetable_import_text_->init(open_gl);
444 vocode_import_text_->init(open_gl);
445 pitch_splice_import_text_->init(open_gl);
457 import_overlay_.
render(open_gl, animate);
458 Colour background = import_overlay_.
460 wavetable_import_text_->setColor(import_text_color_.interpolatedWith(background, 0.5f));
461 vocode_import_text_->setColor(import_text_color_.interpolatedWith(background, 0.5f));
462 pitch_splice_import_text_->setColor(import_text_color_.interpolatedWith(background, 0.5f));
465 wavetable_import_text_->setColor(import_text_color_);
467 vocode_import_text_->setColor(import_text_color_);
469 pitch_splice_import_text_->setColor(import_text_color_);
471 wavetable_import_text_->render(open_gl, animate);
472 vocode_import_text_->render(open_gl, animate);
473 pitch_splice_import_text_->render(open_gl, animate);
480 if (wavetable_ ==
496 bool new_line_data = updateRenderValues();
506 left_line_renderer_.
507 right_line_renderer_.
508 left_fill = fill_left_color_;
509 right_fill = fill_right_color_;
512 left_line_renderer_.
513 right_line_renderer_.
514 left_fill = fill_disabled_color_;
515 right_fill = fill_disabled_color_;
518 left_line_renderer_.
setFillColors(left_fill.withMultipliedAlpha(1.0f - fill_fade), left_fill);
519 right_line_renderer_.
setFillColors(right_fill.withMultipliedAlpha(1.0f - fill_fade), right_fill);
520 left_line_renderer_.
render(open_gl, animate_);
521 right_line_renderer_.
render(open_gl, animate_);
524 drawPosition(open_gl, 1);
525 drawPosition(open_gl, 0);
531 left_line_renderer_.
532 right_line_renderer_.
536 bool new_data = updateRenderValues();
543 Colour right_fill = fill_right_color_;
544 Colour left_fill = fill_left_color_;
546 right_line_renderer_.
547 left_line_renderer_.
548 right_fill = fill_right_color_;
549 left_fill = fill_left_color_;
552 right_line_renderer_.
553 left_line_renderer_.
554 left_line_renderer_.
555 right_fill = fill_disabled_color_;
556 left_fill = fill_disabled_color_;
559 right_line_renderer_.
setFillColors(right_fill.withMultipliedAlpha(1.0f - fill_fade), right_fill);
560 left_line_renderer_.
setFillColors(left_fill.withMultipliedAlpha(1.0f - fill_fade), left_fill);
562 right_line_renderer_.
render(open_gl, animate_);
563 left_line_renderer_.
render(open_gl, animate_);
567 left_line_renderer_.
568 right_line_renderer_.
570 import_overlay_.
571 wavetable_import_text_->destroy(open_gl);
572 vocode_import_text_->destroy(open_gl);
573 pitch_splice_import_text_->destroy(open_gl);
576void Wavetable3d::drawPosition(
OpenGlWrapper& open_gl,
int index) {
579 color = line_right_color_;
581 color = line_left_color_;
584 color = color.withSaturation(0.0f).interpolatedWith(body_color_, 0.5f);
587 end_caps_.
setAltColor(color.interpolatedWith(background, 0.5f));
589 int draw_width = getWidth();
590 int draw_height = getHeight();
592 float position_height = 2.0f * position_raw_width / draw_height;
593 float position_width = 2.0f * position_raw_width / draw_width;
598 renderer = &right_line_renderer_;
600 float x = 2.0f * renderer->
xAt(0) / draw_width - 1.0f;
601 float y = 1.0f - 2.0f * renderer->
yAt(0) / draw_height;
602 float end_x = 2.0f * renderer->
xAt(size_) / draw_width - 1.0f;
603 float end_y = 1.0f - 2.0f * renderer->
yAt(size_) / draw_height;
604 end_caps_.
setQuad(0, x - 0.5f * position_width, y - 0.5f * position_height, position_width, position_height);
605 end_caps_.
setQuad(1, end_x - 0.5f * position_width, end_y - 0.5f * position_height, position_width, position_height);
606 end_caps_.
610 float draw_width,
float wave_height,
float y_offset) {
611 horizontal_angle_ = horizontal_angle;
612 vertical_angle_ = vertical_angle;
613 draw_width_percent_ = draw_width;
614 wave_height_percent_ = wave_height;
615 y_offset_ = y_offset;
616 setDimensionValues();
620 render_type_ = render_type;
625 if (option ==
kInit) {
626 for (
Listener* listener : listeners_)
627 listener->loadDefaultWavetable();
631 else if (option ==
kSave) {
632 for (
Listener* listener : listeners_)
633 listener->saveWavetable();
636 for (
Listener* listener : listeners_)
637 listener->textToWavetable();
640 for (
Listener* listener : listeners_)
641 listener->resynthesizeToWavetable();
645 else if (option ==
kLogIn) {
646 FullInterface* full_interface = findParentComponentOfClass<FullInterface>();
647 return full_interface->
649 else if (option ==
kCopy) {
650 FullInterface* parent = findParentComponentOfClass<FullInterface>();
651 if (parent ==
654 SystemClipboard::copyTextToClipboard(parent->
656 else if (option ==
kPaste) {
657 String text = SystemClipboard::getTextFromClipboard();
660 json parsed_json_state = json::parse(text.toStdString(),
662 loading_wavetable_ =
663 for (
Listener* listener : listeners_)
664 listener->loadWavetable(parsed_json_state);
665 loading_wavetable_ =
671 catch (
const json::exception& e) {
677 String text = SystemClipboard::getTextFromClipboard();
679 json parsed_json_state = json::parse(text.toStdString(),
682 catch (
const json::exception& e) {
688 for (
Listener* listener : listeners_) {
689 FileInputStream* input_stream =
new FileInputStream(file);
690 if (input_stream->openedOk())
691 listener->loadAudioAsWavetable(file.getFileNameWithoutExtension(), input_stream, drag_load_style_);
698 static constexpr float kDivisionPercent = 3.0f / 8.0f;
700 if (y < kDivisionPercent * getHeight())
702 else if (y > (1.0f - kDivisionPercent) * getHeight())
705 if (new_style != drag_load_style_)
706 drag_load_style_ = new_style;
709void Wavetable3d::setDimensionValues() {
710 wave_range_x_ = cosf(horizontal_angle_) * draw_width_percent_;
711 frame_range_x_ = -sinf(horizontal_angle_) * draw_width_percent_;
712 wave_range_y_ = 2.0f * frame_range_x_ * cosf(vertical_angle_);
713 frame_range_y_ = -2.0f * wave_range_x_ * cosf(vertical_angle_);
714 start_x_ = 0.5f * (1.0f - wave_range_x_ - frame_range_x_);
715 start_y_ = 0.5f * (1.0f - wave_range_y_ - frame_range_y_) + y_offset_;
716 float draw_angle = atanf(wave_range_y_ / wave_range_x_);
717 offset_x_ = -sinf(draw_angle) * 1.5f * wave_height_percent_;
718 offset_y_ = cosf(draw_angle) * 1.5f * wave_height_percent_;
721void Wavetable3d::setColors() {
732 vital::poly_float distortion = getOutputsTotal(distortion_outputs_, distortion_slider_->getValue());
736 return adjusted_distortion;
740 vital::poly_float morph = getOutputsTotal(spectral_morph_outputs_, spectral_morph_slider_->getValue());
744 return adjusted_morph;
752 vital::poly_float phase = getOutputsTotal(distortion_phase_outputs_, distortion_phase_slider_->getValue());
757void Wavetable3d::loadIntoTimeDomain(
int index) {
758 loadFrequencyData(index);
759 warpSpectrumToWave(index);
763void Wavetable3d::loadFrequencyData(
int index) {
764 wavetable_index_ = std::round(getOutputsTotal(wave_frame_outputs_, frame_slider_->getValue())[index]);
765 current_wavetable_data_ = wavetable_->
766 wavetable_index_ = std::max(0, std::min(wavetable_index_, current_wavetable_data_->
num_frames - 1));
769void Wavetable3d::warpSpectrumToWave(
int index) {
770 float morph = spectral_morph_value_[index];
775 process_wave_data_, &transform_);
778void Wavetable3d::warpPhase(
int index) {
779 float distortion = distortion_value_[index];
783 float delta = 1.0f / size_;
784 float* buffer = (
float*)(process_wave_data_ + 1);
786 for (
int i = 0; i < size_ - vital::poly_float::kSize + 1; i += vital::poly_float::kSize) {
790 distortion, distortion_phase_);
793 adjusted_phase += distortion_phase_;
796 for (
int v = 0; v < vital::poly_float::kSize; ++v)
797 time_domain[i + v] = value[v];
The main GUI container for the entire synthesizer interface.
Definition full_interface.h:61
std::string getSignedInName()
Gets the name of the currently signed-in user, if any.
Definition full_interface.cpp:792
json getWavetableJson(int index)
Retrieves the JSON data representing the current wavetable for an oscillator.
Definition full_interface.cpp:857
void signIn()
Opens the sign-in interface, if available.
Definition full_interface.cpp:804
virtual void resized() override
Called when the component is resized.
Definition open_gl_component.cpp:121
const vital::StatusOutput * num_voices_readout_
StatusOutput for voice count lookups.
Definition open_gl_component.h:258
void setParent(const SynthSection *parent)
Sets a pointer to the parent SynthSection for skin value lookups.
Definition open_gl_component.h:178
void renderCorners(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate, Colour color, float rounding)
Renders the corner shapes using the given color and rounding amount.
Definition open_gl_component.cpp:153
float findValue(Skin::ValueId value_id)
Finds a float value from the skin associated with this component's parent.
Definition open_gl_component.cpp:173
virtual void paintBackground(Graphics &g)
Paints a standard background for the component.
Definition open_gl_component.cpp:105
void repaintBackground()
Requests a repaint of the component's background on the OpenGL layer.
Definition open_gl_component.cpp:112
const SynthSection * parent_
Pointer to parent SynthSection for skin lookups.
Definition open_gl_component.h:256
A component for rendering lines with optional filling and boost effects using OpenGL.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:16
virtual void init(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) override
Initializes OpenGL resources for rendering the line.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.cpp:78
virtual void destroy(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) override
Destroys OpenGL resources allocated by this line renderer.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.cpp:468
force_inline float xAt(int index) const
Gets the x-coordinate of a point at a given index.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:81
force_inline void setFillCenter(float fill_center)
Sets the vertical center for the fill area.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:138
virtual void render(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate) override
Renders the line using OpenGL.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.cpp:464
force_inline void setYAt(int index, float val)
Sets the y-coordinate of a point, marking data as dirty.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:98
force_inline void setFill(bool fill)
Enables or disables filling below the line.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:124
force_inline void setXAt(int index, float val)
Sets the x-coordinate of a point, marking data as dirty.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:105
force_inline void setFillColors(Colour fill_color_from, Colour fill_color_to)
Sets a gradient fill from one color to another.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:132
force_inline void setLineWidth(float width)
Sets the line width in pixels.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:66
force_inline float yAt(int index) const
Gets the y-coordinate of a point at a given index.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:78
force_inline void setColor(Colour color)
Sets the line color.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:63
void setThickness(float thickness, bool reset=false)
Sets the thickness used by some shaders and can reset to this thickness.
Definition open_gl_multi_quad.h:338
virtual void init(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) override
Initializes OpenGL buffers and shader attributes.
Definition open_gl_multi_quad.cpp:37
void setQuad(int i, float x, float y, float w, float h)
Sets the position and size of a quad in normalized device space.
Definition open_gl_multi_quad.h:313
void setTargetComponent(Component *target_component)
Sets a target component to help position the quads.
Definition open_gl_multi_quad.h:358
force_inline void setAltColor(Colour color)
Sets an alternate color, often used by custom shaders.
Definition open_gl_multi_quad.h:118
virtual void render(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate) override
Renders the quads using OpenGL.
Definition open_gl_multi_quad.cpp:92
virtual void destroy(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) override
Releases OpenGL resources when the component is destroyed.
Definition open_gl_multi_quad.cpp:69
force_inline void setColor(Colour color)
Sets the base color for the quads.
Definition open_gl_multi_quad.h:102
force_inline Colour getColor()
Gets the current base color.
Definition open_gl_multi_quad.h:110
@ kLight
Definition open_gl_image_component.h:309
Manages and provides access to vertex and fragment shaders used by the OpenGL rendering pipeline.
Definition shaders.h:19
@ kWidgetLineWidth
Definition skin.h:105
@ kWidgetFillCenter
Definition skin.h:107
@ kWidgetFillFade
Definition skin.h:108
@ kWidgetAccent1
Definition skin.h:171
@ kWidgetPrimaryDisabled
Definition skin.h:167
@ kWidgetPrimary2
Definition skin.h:166
@ kWidgetPrimary1
Definition skin.h:165
@ kWidgetBackground
Definition skin.h:173
@ kWidgetSecondary1
Definition skin.h:168
@ kWidgetSecondaryDisabled
Definition skin.h:170
@ kOverlayScreen
Definition skin.h:140
@ kTextComponentText
Definition skin.h:148
@ kWidgetSecondary2
Definition skin.h:169
@ kWidgetAccent2
Definition skin.h:172
@ kBody
Definition skin.h:129
vital::Wavetable * getWavetable(int index)
Gets a wavetable object from the engine.
Definition synth_base.cpp:266
An interface class linking the Vital synthesizer backend (SynthBase) with a GUI.
Definition synth_gui_interface.h:56
SynthBase * getSynth()
Returns the SynthBase instance this interface is managing.
Definition synth_gui_interface.h:85
Base class for all synthesizer sections, providing UI layout, painting, and interaction logic.
Definition synth_section.h:193
void showPopupSelector(Component *source, Point< int > position, const PopupItems &options, std::function< void(int)> callback, std::function< void()> cancel={ })
Shows a popup selector with options.
Definition synth_section.cpp:119
void hidePopup(bool primary)
Definition synth_slider.cpp:640
void showPopup(bool primary)
Definition synth_slider.cpp:635
virtual void mouseWheelMove(const MouseEvent &e, const MouseWheelDetails &wheel) override
Definition synth_slider.cpp:346
Interface for components that need to respond to wavetable loading or transformations.
Definition wavetable_3d.h:89
void setViewSettings(float horizontal_angle, float vertical_angle, float draw_width, float wave_height, float y_offset)
Sets view settings for the 3D display (angles, width, height, offset).
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:609
void resized() override
Handles component resizing, recalculating layout and scaling.
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:205
static constexpr float kDefaultWaveHeightPercent
Definition wavetable_3d.h:41
void audioFileLoaded(const File &file) override
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:687
void destroy(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) override
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:566
void init(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl) override
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:438
bool hasMatchingSystemClipboard()
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:676
void updateDraggingPosition(int x, int y)
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:697
void renderWave(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl)
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:479
void mouseDrag(const MouseEvent &e) override
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:280
static constexpr int kBackgroundResolution
Definition wavetable_3d.h:48
static constexpr int kExtraShadows
Definition wavetable_3d.h:49
void setRenderType(RenderType render_type)
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:619
static constexpr float kPositionLineWidthRatio
Definition wavetable_3d.h:43
void setDirty()
Marks the internal state as dirty, forcing a redraw.
Definition wavetable_3d.h:252
void mouseDown(const MouseEvent &e) override
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:246
static constexpr float kDefaultVerticalAngle
Default angles and scaling parameters for 3D rendering.
Definition wavetable_3d.h:38
static void paint3dBackground(Graphics &g, vital::Wavetable *wavetable, bool active, Colour background_color, Colour wave_color1, Colour wave_color2, float width, float height, float wave_height_percent, float wave_range_x, float frame_range_x, float wave_range_y, float frame_range_y, float start_x, float start_y, float offset_x, float offset_y)
Static helper method for painting the 3D background of the wavetable (all frames) onto a Graphics obj...
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:50
virtual ~Wavetable3d()
void mouseWheelMove(const MouseEvent &e, const MouseWheelDetails &wheel) override
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:295
static constexpr float kDefaultDrawWidthPercent
Definition wavetable_3d.h:40
Render types for different visualization modes.
Definition wavetable_3d.h:80
@ kFrequencyAmplitudes
Definition wavetable_3d.h:83
@ kWave2d
Definition wavetable_3d.h:82
@ kWave3d
Definition wavetable_3d.h:81
static constexpr float k2dWaveHeightPercent
Definition wavetable_3d.h:50
void respondToMenuCallback(int option)
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:624
void render(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate) override
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:448
void paintBackground(Graphics &g) override
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:182
void mouseExit(const MouseEvent &e) override
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:299
void renderSpectrum(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl)
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:529
static constexpr int kColorJump
Definition wavetable_3d.h:44
bool isActive()
Definition wavetable_3d.h:217
static void paint3dLine(Graphics &g, vital::Wavetable *wavetable, int index, Colour color, float width, float height, float wave_height_percent, float wave_range_x, float frame_range_x, float wave_range_y, float frame_range_y, float start_x, float start_y, float offset_x, float offset_y)
Static helper method for painting a single 3D line (waveform frame) onto a Graphics object.
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:16
static constexpr float kDefaultHorizontalAngle
Definition wavetable_3d.h:39
@ kSave
Definition wavetable_3d.h:72
@ kPaste
Definition wavetable_3d.h:70
@ kCopy
Definition wavetable_3d.h:69
@ kLogIn
Definition wavetable_3d.h:75
@ kInit
Definition wavetable_3d.h:71
@ kResynthesizePreset
Definition wavetable_3d.h:74
@ kTextToWavetable
Definition wavetable_3d.h:73
Wavetable3d(int index, const vital::output_map &mono_modulations, const vital::output_map &poly_modulations)
Definition wavetable_3d.cpp:101
A class responsible for creating complete wavetables from groups of wavetable components.
Definition wavetable_creator.h:27
static bool isValidJson(json data)
Checks if a given JSON data represents a valid wavetable creator state.
Definition wavetable_creator.cpp:309
Defines how audio files are interpreted when loading into a wavetable.
Definition wavetable_creator.h:33
@ kWavetableSplice
Slice the audio into segments mapping onto wavetable frames.
Definition wavetable_creator.h:35
@ kNone
Definition wavetable_creator.h:34
@ kVocoded
Apply vocoder-like analysis to extract fundamental cycles.
Definition wavetable_creator.h:36
@ kPitched
Attempts to extract pitch-based cycles from the audio.
Definition wavetable_creator.h:38
force_inline poly_float value() const
Returns the current status value.
Definition synth_module.h:49
Types of distortion/waveshaping used by the oscillator.
Definition synth_oscillator.h:145
@ kNone
No distortion.
Definition synth_oscillator.h:146
@ kNumDistortionTypes
Definition synth_oscillator.h:159
static void setDistortionValues(DistortionType distortion_type, poly_float *values, int num_values, bool spread)
Sets distortion values for an array of poly_float, handling unison spread if necessary.
Definition synth_oscillator.cpp:1014
static bool usesDistortionPhase(DistortionType distortion_type)
Checks if a given distortion type uses a separate distortion_phase (kSync, kQuantize,...
Definition synth_oscillator.cpp:1189
static vital::poly_float getPhaseWindow(DistortionType distortion_type, poly_int phase, poly_int distorted_phase)
Retrieves a window multiplier (for example, half-sin window in formant mode).
Definition synth_oscillator.cpp:1173
Types of spectral morph effects that can be applied to the wavetable.
Definition synth_oscillator.h:126
@ kNoSpectralMorph
No spectral morph effect.
Definition synth_oscillator.h:127
@ kNumSpectralMorphTypes
Definition synth_oscillator.h:139
static void runSpectralMorph(SpectralMorph morph_type, float morph_amount, const Wavetable::WavetableData *wavetable_data, int wavetable_index, poly_float *dest, FourierTransform *transform)
Applies a spectral morph operation (e.g., vocode, smear) directly on a buffer.
Definition synth_oscillator.cpp:1112
static constexpr int kSpectralBufferSize
Size of spectral buffer for Fourier transforms.
Definition synth_oscillator.h:207
static void setSpectralMorphValues(SpectralMorph spectral_morph, poly_float *values, int num_values, bool spread)
Sets spectral morph values for an array of poly_float, handling unison spread if necessary.
Definition synth_oscillator.cpp:1070
static poly_float interpolate(const mono_float *buffer, const poly_int indices)
Performs linear interpolation on a single wave buffer.
Definition synth_oscillator.cpp:1185
static vital::poly_int adjustPhase(DistortionType distortion_type, poly_int phase, poly_float distortion_amount, poly_int distortion_phase)
Adjusts phase for sync, formant, quantize, etc.
Definition synth_oscillator.cpp:1154
std::complex< float > frequency_domain[kWaveformSize]
The frequency-domain representation (complex spectrum).
Definition wave_frame.h:125
void toFrequencyDomain()
Converts the currently loaded time-domain data into frequency-domain representation.
Definition wave_frame.cpp:64
mono_float time_domain[2 *kWaveformSize]
The time-domain data, extended buffer size for FFT alignment.
Definition wave_frame.h:124
A class representing a wavetable, holding multiple frames of waveforms and their frequency-domain rep...
Definition wavetable.h:20
static constexpr int kFrequencyBins
Number of frequency bins (equal to number of wave bits in a frame).
Definition wavetable.h:23
force_inline const WavetableData * getAllData()
Get a pointer to the current WavetableData.
Definition wavetable.h:174
force_inline mono_float * getBuffer(int frame_index)
Get a pointer to the time-domain waveform buffer for a given frame.
Definition wavetable.h:184
static constexpr int kWaveformSize
Size of each waveform frame.
Definition wavetable.h:25
nlohmann::json json
Definition line_generator.h:7
const poly_mask kFullMask
A mask covering all lanes of a poly_float vector.
Definition synth_constants.h:257
force_inline poly_float exp2(poly_float exponent)
Approximates 2^exponent for poly_float values using a polynomial approximation.
Definition futils.h:45
force_inline poly_float clamp(poly_float value, mono_float min, mono_float max)
Clamps each lane of a vector to [min, max].
Definition poly_utils.h:306
force_inline poly_float magnitudeToDb(poly_float value)
Converts a magnitude value to decibels (vectorized).
Definition poly_utils.h:144
force_inline poly_int toInt(poly_float floats)
Casts a poly_float to poly_int by truncation.
Definition poly_utils.h:748
force_inline poly_float interpolate(poly_float from, poly_float to, mono_float t)
Performs a linear interpolation between two poly_floats using a scalar t in [0..1].
Definition poly_utils.h:182
std::map< std::string, Output * > output_map
Maps parameter names to Output pointers, representing output signals from various modules.
Definition synth_types.h:229
constexpr int kNumOscillatorWaveFrames
Number of wave frames in each oscillator’s wavetable.
Definition synth_constants.h:19
A helper struct containing references to OpenGL context, shaders, and display scale.
Definition shaders.h:174
int num_frames
The number of frames in the wavetable.
Definition wavetable.h:51
Represents a vector of floating-point values using SIMD instructions.
Definition poly_values.h:600
static force_inline mask_simd_type vector_call equal(simd_type one, simd_type two)
Compares two SIMD float registers for equality, element-wise.
Definition poly_values.h:954
Represents a vector of integer values using SIMD instructions.
Definition poly_values.h:56
static force_inline simd_type vector_call equal(simd_type one, simd_type two)
Compares two SIMD integer registers for equality, element-wise.
Definition poly_values.h:291
Provides various utility functions, classes, and constants for audio, math, and general-purpose opera...
Declares the Wavetable3d class, which provides a 3D and 2D visualization for wavetables.