constexpr int | vital::kNumLfos = 8 |
| Number of LFO sources available in the Vital synthesizer.
constexpr int | vital::kNumOscillators = 3 |
| Number of oscillators available in Vital.
constexpr int | vital::kNumOscillatorWaveFrames = 257 |
| Number of wave frames in each oscillator’s wavetable.
constexpr int | vital::kNumEnvelopes = 6 |
| Number of envelope generators in Vital.
constexpr int | vital::kNumRandomLfos = 4 |
| Number of random LFO sources (random modulation generators).
constexpr int | vital::kNumMacros = 4 |
| Number of macro controls available.
constexpr int | vital::kNumFilters = 2 |
| Number of filter slots in Vital.
constexpr int | vital::kNumFormants = 4 |
| Number of formant filters available.
constexpr int | vital::kNumChannels = 2 |
| Number of output channels (stereo = 2).
constexpr int | vital::kMaxPolyphony = 33 |
| The maximum number of voices allocated for polyphony (includes an extra for handling transitions).
constexpr int | vital::kMaxActivePolyphony = 32 |
| The maximum number of active voices Vital uses simultaneously.
constexpr int | vital::kLfoDataResolution = 2048 |
| Resolution used for generating LFO data tables.
constexpr int | vital::kMaxModulationConnections = 64 |
| Maximum number of modulation connections allowed.
constexpr int | vital::kOscilloscopeMemorySampleRate = 22000 |
| Sample rate (in Hz) at which the oscilloscope memory is sampled.
constexpr int | vital::kOscilloscopeMemoryResolution = 512 |
| Resolution (number of samples) in the oscilloscope memory buffer.
constexpr int | vital::kAudioMemorySamples = 1 << 15 |
| Size of the stereo audio memory buffer used for visualization.
constexpr int | vital::kDefaultWindowWidth = 1400 |
| Default width of the Vital window (in pixels).
constexpr int | vital::kDefaultWindowHeight = 820 |
| Default height of the Vital window (in pixels).
constexpr int | vital::kMinWindowWidth = 350 |
| Minimum allowable window width.
constexpr int | vital::kMinWindowHeight = 205 |
| Minimum allowable window height.
constexpr int | vital::kDefaultKeyboardOffset = 48 |
| Default starting octave offset for the computer keyboard layout.
constexpr wchar_t | vital::kDefaultKeyboardOctaveUp = 'x' |
| Default key for octave-up action in the computer keyboard layout.
constexpr wchar_t | vital::kDefaultKeyboardOctaveDown = 'z' |
| Default key for octave-down action in the computer keyboard layout.
const std::wstring | vital::kDefaultKeyboard = L"awsedftgyhujkolp;'" |
| The default keyboard layout (QWERTY-based) mapping keys to notes.
const std::string | vital::kPresetExtension = "vital" |
| File extension for Vital preset files.
const std::string | vital::kWavetableExtension = "vitaltable" |
| File extension for Vital wavetable files.
const std::string | vital::kWavetableExtensionsList = "*." + vital::kWavetableExtension + ";*.wav;*.flac" |
| A semicolon-separated list of supported wavetable file extensions, including external formats like .wav and .flac.
const std::string | vital::kSampleExtensionsList = "*.wav;*.flac" |
| A semicolon-separated list of supported sample file formats (e.g., wav and flac).
const std::string | vital::kSkinExtension = "vitalskin" |
| File extension for Vital skin/theme files.
const std::string | vital::kLfoExtension = "vitallfo" |
| File extension for Vital LFO shape files.
const std::string | vital::kBankExtension = "vitalbank" |
| File extension for Vital bank files, which group multiple presets.
constexpr int | vital::constants::kNumSyncedFrequencyRatios = 13 |
| Number of frequency ratios used when syncing parameters (e.g., LFO speed) to tempo.
constexpr vital::mono_float | vital::constants::kSyncedFrequencyRatios [kNumSyncedFrequencyRatios] |
| Predefined list of frequency ratios for synced parameters (from 1/128th to 16x speed).
const poly_float | vital::constants::kStereoSplit = kLeftOne - kRightOne |
| Splits stereo channels into left and right components.
const poly_float | vital::constants::kPolySqrt2 = kSqrt2 |
| A poly_float representing sqrt(2), used in various DSP calculations.
const poly_mask | vital::constants::kFullMask = poly_float::equal(0.0f, 0.0f) |
| A mask covering all lanes of a poly_float vector.
const poly_mask | vital::constants::kLeftMask = poly_float::equal(kLeftOne, 1.0f) |
| A mask identifying the left channel when comparing to kLeftOne.
const poly_mask | vital::constants::kRightMask = poly_float::equal(kRightOne, 1.0f) |
| A mask identifying the right channel when comparing to kRightOne.
const poly_mask | vital::constants::kFirstMask = poly_float::equal(kFirstVoiceOne, 1.0f) |
| A mask identifying the first voice slots in a polyphonic vector.
const poly_mask | vital::constants::kSecondMask = poly_float::equal(kSecondVoiceOne, 1.0f) |
| A mask identifying the second voice slots in a polyphonic vector.