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operators.h File Reference
#include "futils.h"
#include "processor.h"
#include "utils.h"

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class  vital::Operator
 Base class for operator nodes that perform arithmetic or other transformations in the processing graph. More...
class  vital::Clamp
 Clamps each sample to a specified [min, max] range. More...
class  vital::Negate
 Negates each sample (multiplies by -1). More...
class  vital::Inverse
 Computes 1 / x for each sample. More...
class  vital::LinearScale
 Multiplies each sample by a fixed scale factor. More...
class  vital::Square
 Squares each sample (sample * sample). More...
class  vital::Add
 Adds two input buffers sample-by-sample. More...
class  vital::VariableAdd
 Adds together an arbitrary number of inputs. More...
class  vital::ModulationSum
 A special sum operator that can accumulate control-rate and audio-rate modulation signals. More...
class  vital::Subtract
 Subtracts the second input buffer from the first, sample-by-sample. More...
class  vital::Multiply
 Multiplies two input buffers sample-by-sample. More...
class  vital::SmoothMultiply
 Multiplies an audio-rate input by a smoothly changing control-rate parameter over one block. More...
class  vital::SmoothVolume
 A specialized SmoothMultiply that interprets the control-rate input in dB for volume adjustments. More...
class  vital::Interpolate
 Interpolates between two input buffers (From, To) based on a fractional value [0..1]. More...
class  vital::BilinearInterpolate
 Performs bilinear interpolation among four corners (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right). More...
class  vital::SampleAndHoldBuffer
 Grabs the first sample from the input, then repeats it for all samples in the output. More...
class  vital::StereoEncoder
 Encodes or decodes a stereo signal by rotating or centering the phase of the left and right channels. More...
class  vital::TempoChooser
 Chooses a frequency based on tempo sync or direct frequency modes. More...
class  vital::cr::Clamp
 Control-rate clamping of a single value. More...
class  vital::cr::LowerBound
 Clamps a single control value to be at least min_. More...
class  vital::cr::UpperBound
 Clamps a single control value to be at most max_. More...
class  vital::cr::Add
 Control-rate addition of two values. More...
class  vital::cr::Multiply
 Control-rate multiplication of two values. More...
class  vital::cr::Interpolate
 Control-rate interpolation between two values based on a fraction. More...
class  vital::cr::Square
 Control-rate operator squaring a single value. More...
class  vital::cr::Cube
 Control-rate operator cubing a single value. More...
class  vital::cr::Quart
 Control-rate operator raising a single value to the 4th power. More...
class  vital::cr::Quadratic
 Control-rate operator computing x^2 + offset. More...
class  vital::cr::Cubic
 Control-rate operator computing x^3 + offset. More...
class  vital::cr::Quartic
 Control-rate operator computing x^4 + offset. More...
class  vital::cr::Root
 Control-rate operator computing sqrt(x) + offset. More...
class  vital::cr::ExponentialScale
 Raises scale_ to the power of the input value (clamped to [min_, max_]). More...
class  vital::cr::VariableAdd
 Control-rate version of summing multiple inputs into one. More...
class  vital::cr::FrequencyToPhase
 Converts a frequency to a normalized phase increment (freq / sample_rate). More...
class  vital::cr::FrequencyToSamples
 Converts a frequency to a period in samples (sample_rate / freq). More...
class  vital::cr::TimeToSamples
 Converts a time in seconds to a number of samples (time * sample_rate). More...
class  vital::cr::MagnitudeScale
 Converts a dB value to a linear magnitude at control rate. More...
class  vital::cr::MidiScale
 Converts a MIDI note (in semitones) to a frequency at control rate. More...
class  vital::cr::BilinearInterpolate
 Control-rate bilinear interpolation between four corner values. More...


namespace  vital
 Contains classes and functions used within the Vital synthesizer framework.
namespace  vital::cr