14 wave_phase_ =
28 parent_ = findParentComponentOfClass<SynthGuiInterface>();
30 if (wave_phase_ ==
nullptr && parent_)
33 if (frequency_ ==
nullptr && parent_)
40 if (e.mods.isPopupMenu()) {
44 if (active_point >= 0) {
46 if (active_point >= 1 && active_point <
getModel()->getNumPoints() - 1) {
74 SynthSection* parent = findParentComponentOfClass<SynthSection>();
75 int point = active_point;
78 [=](
int selection) { respondToCallback(point, power, selection); });
85 if (!e.mods.isPopupMenu())
90 if (!e.mods.isPopupMenu())
100 if (power >= 0 && power <
numPoints() - 1) {
109 if (section >= 0 && grid_size > 0)
110 setPhase(section * 1.0f / grid_size);
114 listener->importLfo();
118 listener->exportLfo();
128 listener->setPhase(phase);
136 static constexpr float kBackupTime = 1.0f / 50.0f;
144 encoded_phase = 0.0f;
166 bool animating = animate;
183 Colour fill_color_fade = fill_color.withMultipliedAlpha(1.0f - fill_fade);
187 Colour fill_color_stereo_fade = fill_color_stereo.withMultipliedAlpha(1.0f - fill_fade);
212 if (switch_mask.
sum() == 0) {
virtual void mouseDown(const MouseEvent &e) override
Handles mouse down events.
Definition lfo_editor.cpp:39
void render(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate) override
Renders the LFO editor using OpenGL.
Definition lfo_editor.cpp:131
static constexpr float kSpeedDecayMult
Multiplier for adjusting boost decay speed depending on phase changes.
Definition lfo_editor.h:28
void parentHierarchyChanged() override
Called when the component’s parent hierarchy changes.
Definition lfo_editor.cpp:27
virtual ~LfoEditor()
Definition lfo_editor.cpp:25
LfoEditor(LineGenerator *lfo_source, String prefix, const vital::output_map &mono_modulations, const vital::output_map &poly_modulations)
Constructs the LfoEditor.
Definition lfo_editor.cpp:10
@ kExportLfo
Menu option to export the current LFO shape to file.
Definition lfo_editor.h:35
@ kSetPhaseToPoint
Menu option to set the LFO start phase to a point’s phase.
Definition lfo_editor.h:31
@ kSetPhaseToPower
Menu option to set the LFO start phase to a segment midpoint.
Definition lfo_editor.h:32
@ kImportLfo
Menu option to import an LFO shape from file.
Definition lfo_editor.h:34
@ kSetPhaseToGrid
Menu option to set the LFO start phase to a grid division.
Definition lfo_editor.h:33
void setPhase(float phase)
Sets the LFO’s start phase.
Definition lfo_editor.cpp:126
virtual void mouseDoubleClick(const MouseEvent &e) override
Handles mouse double-click events.
Definition lfo_editor.cpp:84
static constexpr float kBoostDecay
Decay factor used when reducing boost intensity over time.
Definition lfo_editor.h:25
void respondToCallback(int point, int power, int result) override
Responds to selection callbacks from the popup menu.
Definition lfo_editor.cpp:94
virtual void mouseUp(const MouseEvent &e) override
Handles mouse up events.
Definition lfo_editor.cpp:89
Interface for classes that want to receive notifications about line editor changes.
Definition line_editor.h:86
A GUI component for editing and visualizing a user-defined line shape (curve or envelope).
Definition line_editor.h:27
void clearActiveMouseActions()
Definition line_editor.cpp:634
vital::poly_float adjustBoostPhase(vital::poly_float phase)
Adjusts a given phase value for boost calculations.
Definition line_editor.cpp:1061
void renderGrid(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate)
Renders the grid lines that show snapping lines or painting sections.
Definition line_editor.cpp:763
virtual void mouseUp(const MouseEvent &e) override
Definition line_editor.cpp:603
virtual void mouseDoubleClick(const MouseEvent &e) override
Definition line_editor.cpp:517
LineGenerator * getModel()
Gets the current LineGenerator model.
Definition line_editor.h:357
bool hasMatchingSystemClipboard()
Checks if the system clipboard contains a compatible line data JSON.
Definition line_editor.cpp:353
int getActivePower()
Gets the currently active power handle index.
Definition line_editor.h:450
@ kFlipHorizontal
Definition line_editor.h:77
@ kRemovePoint
Definition line_editor.h:75
@ kSave
Definition line_editor.h:71
@ kEnterValue
Definition line_editor.h:73
@ kResetPower
Definition line_editor.h:74
@ kEnterPhase
Definition line_editor.h:72
@ kCopy
Definition line_editor.h:69
@ kPaste
Definition line_editor.h:70
@ kFlipVertical
Definition line_editor.h:78
static constexpr int kNumWrapPoints
Number of wrap points for looping lines.
Definition line_editor.h:43
void setGlPositions()
Updates OpenGL buffers with the latest positions if needed.
Definition line_editor.cpp:963
virtual void respondToCallback(int point, int power, int option)
Responds to a callback triggered by a menu option or action.
Definition line_editor.cpp:287
void drawPosition(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, Colour color, float fraction_x)
Draws a position marker at a specific fraction of the X-axis.
Definition line_editor.cpp:838
int getActivePoint()
Gets the currently active point index.
Definition line_editor.h:444
int getGridSizeX()
Gets the current horizontal grid size.
Definition line_editor.h:341
int getActiveGridSection()
Gets the currently active grid section index for painting.
Definition line_editor.h:456
void renderPoints(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate)
Renders the points and power handles on the curve.
Definition line_editor.cpp:768
virtual void mouseDown(const MouseEvent &e) override
Definition line_editor.cpp:455
std::vector< Listener * > listeners_
Definition line_editor.h:482
A class for generating and storing a line shape, defined by a series of points and associated powers.
Definition line_generator.h:20
force_inline std::pair< float, float > getPoint(int index) const
Returns a point at the given index.
Definition line_generator.h:306
static bool setViewPort(Component *component, Rectangle< int > bounds, OpenGlWrapper &open_gl)
Sets the OpenGL viewport to match a specified rectangle within a component.
Definition open_gl_component.cpp:42
void renderCorners(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate, Colour color, float rounding)
Renders the corner shapes using the given color and rounding amount.
Definition open_gl_component.cpp:153
float findValue(Skin::ValueId value_id)
Finds a float value from the skin associated with this component's parent.
Definition open_gl_component.cpp:173
virtual void parentHierarchyChanged() override
Called when the component's parent hierarchy changes.
Definition open_gl_component.cpp:128
force_inline void setFillCenter(float fill_center)
Sets the vertical center for the fill area.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:138
force_inline void setFill(bool fill)
Enables or disables filling below the line.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:124
void decayBoosts(vital::poly_float mult)
Decays all boosts by a multiplicative factor, allowing animated damping.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.cpp:185
force_inline void setFillBoostAmount(float boost_amount)
Sets the boost amount that affects fill thickness.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:147
force_inline void setBoostAmount(float boost_amount)
Sets the boost amount that affects line thickness.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:144
force_inline void setFillColors(Colour fill_color_from, Colour fill_color_to)
Sets a gradient fill from one color to another.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:132
bool anyBoostValue()
Checks if any boost value is set.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:202
force_inline void setLineWidth(float width)
Sets the line width in pixels.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:66
force_inline void setColor(Colour color)
Sets the line color.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:63
void boostRange(float *boosts, float start, float end, int buffer_vertices, float min)
Boosts a range for the given boost array.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.cpp:128
force_inline int numPoints() const
Gets the number of points in the line.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:186
void drawLines(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool left)
Draws the line and optional fill using OpenGL.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.cpp:386
force_inline void setIndex(int index)
Sets an index used for custom behavior (e.g., multiple line sets).
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:150
@ kWidgetLineWidth
Definition skin.h:105
@ kWidgetFillCenter
Definition skin.h:107
@ kWidgetFillFade
Definition skin.h:108
@ kWidgetLineBoost
Definition skin.h:106
@ kWidgetFillBoost
Definition skin.h:109
@ kWidgetPrimary2
Definition skin.h:166
@ kWidgetPrimary1
Definition skin.h:165
@ kWidgetSecondary1
Definition skin.h:168
@ kWidgetCenterLine
Definition skin.h:164
@ kWidgetSecondary2
Definition skin.h:169
bool isModSourceEnabled(const std::string &source)
Checks if a modulation source is currently enabled.
Definition synth_base.cpp:223
const vital::StatusOutput * getStatusOutput(const std::string &name)
Retrieves a status output by name.
Definition synth_base.cpp:262
SynthBase * getSynth()
Returns the SynthBase instance this interface is managing.
Definition synth_gui_interface.h:85
Base class for all synthesizer sections, providing UI layout, painting, and interaction logic.
Definition synth_section.h:193
void showPopupSelector(Component *source, Point< int > position, const PopupItems &options, std::function< void(int)> callback, std::function< void()> cancel={ })
Shows a popup selector with options.
Definition synth_section.cpp:119
force_inline bool isClearValue(poly_float value) const
Checks if a given poly_float is the special "clear" value.
Definition synth_module.h:81
force_inline poly_float value() const
Returns the current status value.
Definition synth_module.h:49
const poly_mask kFullMask
A mask covering all lanes of a poly_float vector.
Definition synth_constants.h:257
force_inline poly_float clamp(poly_float value, mono_float min, mono_float max)
Clamps each lane of a vector to [min, max].
Definition poly_utils.h:306
force_inline poly_float max(poly_float left, poly_float right)
Returns the maximum of two poly_floats lane-by-lane.
Definition poly_utils.h:327
force_inline poly_float maskLoad(poly_float zero_value, poly_float one_value, poly_mask reset_mask)
Selects between two values (zero_value or one_value) based on a mask in each lane.
Definition poly_utils.h:351
force_inline std::pair< poly_float, poly_float > decodePhaseAndVoice(poly_float encoded)
Decodes a phase and voice from an encoded float, returning (phase, voice).
Definition poly_utils.h:987
std::map< std::string, Output * > output_map
Maps parameter names to Output pointers, representing output signals from various modules.
Definition synth_types.h:229
A helper struct containing references to OpenGL context, shaders, and display scale.
Definition shaders.h:174
Represents a vector of floating-point values using SIMD instructions.
Definition poly_values.h:600
static force_inline simd_type vector_call abs(simd_type value)
Computes the absolute value of each element in the SIMD float register.
Definition poly_values.h:935
static force_inline mask_simd_type vector_call notEqual(simd_type one, simd_type two)
Compares two SIMD float registers for non-equality, element-wise.
Definition poly_values.h:1003
Represents a vector of integer values using SIMD instructions.
Definition poly_values.h:56
static force_inline uint32_t vector_call sum(simd_type value)
Computes the sum of all elements in a SIMD integer register.
Definition poly_values.h:326
Provides various utility functions, classes, and constants for audio, math, and general-purpose opera...