26 if (parent && raw_input_ ==
44 envelope_graph_fill_stereo = envelope_graph_fill;
46 Colour envelope_graph_fill_fade = envelope_graph_fill.withMultipliedAlpha(1.0f - fill_fade);
47 Colour envelope_graph_fill_stereo_fade = envelope_graph_fill_stereo.withMultipliedAlpha(1.0f - fill_fade);
54 center = position_color;
55 position_color_stereo = position_color;
58 if (animate && animate_) {
66 last_phase_ = adjusted_phase;
76 setFillColors(envelope_graph_fill_stereo_fade, envelope_graph_fill_stereo);
104 setFillColors(envelope_graph_fill_stereo_fade, envelope_graph_fill_stereo);
108 setFillColors(envelope_graph_fill_fade, envelope_graph_fill);
A GUI component for editing and visualizing a user-defined line shape (curve or envelope).
Definition line_editor.h:27
vital::poly_float adjustBoostPhase(vital::poly_float phase)
Adjusts a given phase value for boost calculations.
Definition line_editor.cpp:1061
bool active_
Definition line_editor.h:481
void renderGrid(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate)
Renders the grid lines that show snapping lines or painting sections.
Definition line_editor.cpp:763
void render(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate) override
Renders the line using OpenGL.
Definition line_editor.cpp:788
void setLoop(bool loop)
Enables or disables looping of the line at the edges.
Definition line_editor.h:300
static constexpr int kNumWrapPoints
Number of wrap points for looping lines.
Definition line_editor.h:43
void setGlPositions()
Updates OpenGL buffers with the latest positions if needed.
Definition line_editor.cpp:963
void drawPosition(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, Colour color, float fraction_x)
Draws a position marker at a specific fraction of the X-axis.
Definition line_editor.cpp:838
void renderPoints(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate)
Renders the points and power handles on the curve.
Definition line_editor.cpp:768
A class for generating and storing a line shape, defined by a series of points and associated powers.
Definition line_generator.h:20
virtual void render(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate) override
Renders the line map with optional animation.
Definition line_map_editor.cpp:32
static constexpr float kTailDecay
Decay factor for reducing line boost effects over time (for animation smoothing).
Definition line_map_editor.h:23
virtual ~LineMapEditor()
Definition line_map_editor.cpp:21
LineMapEditor(LineGenerator *line_source, String name)
Constructs the LineMapEditor.
Definition line_map_editor.cpp:8
void parentHierarchyChanged() override
Called when the component’s parent hierarchy changes.
Definition line_map_editor.cpp:23
static bool setViewPort(Component *component, Rectangle< int > bounds, OpenGlWrapper &open_gl)
Sets the OpenGL viewport to match a specified rectangle within a component.
Definition open_gl_component.cpp:42
void renderCorners(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool animate, Colour color, float rounding)
Renders the corner shapes using the given color and rounding amount.
Definition open_gl_component.cpp:153
float findValue(Skin::ValueId value_id)
Finds a float value from the skin associated with this component's parent.
Definition open_gl_component.cpp:173
virtual void parentHierarchyChanged() override
Called when the component's parent hierarchy changes.
Definition open_gl_component.cpp:128
force_inline void setFillCenter(float fill_center)
Sets the vertical center for the fill area.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:138
force_inline void setFill(bool fill)
Enables or disables filling below the line.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:124
void decayBoosts(vital::poly_float mult)
Decays all boosts by a multiplicative factor, allowing animated damping.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.cpp:185
force_inline void setFillBoostAmount(float boost_amount)
Sets the boost amount that affects fill thickness.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:147
force_inline void setBoostAmount(float boost_amount)
Sets the boost amount that affects line thickness.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:144
force_inline void setFillColors(Colour fill_color_from, Colour fill_color_to)
Sets a gradient fill from one color to another.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:132
force_inline void setLineWidth(float width)
Sets the line width in pixels.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:66
force_inline void setColor(Colour color)
Sets the line color.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:63
void boostRange(float *boosts, float start, float end, int buffer_vertices, float min)
Boosts a range for the given boost array.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.cpp:128
void drawLines(OpenGlWrapper &open_gl, bool left)
Draws the line and optional fill using OpenGL.
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.cpp:386
force_inline void setIndex(int index)
Sets an index used for custom behavior (e.g., multiple line sets).
Definition open_gl_line_renderer.h:150
@ kWidgetLineWidth
Definition skin.h:105
@ kWidgetFillFade
Definition skin.h:108
@ kWidgetLineBoost
Definition skin.h:106
@ kWidgetFillBoost
Definition skin.h:109
@ kWidgetPrimaryDisabled
Definition skin.h:167
@ kWidgetPrimary2
Definition skin.h:166
@ kWidgetPrimary1
Definition skin.h:165
@ kWidgetSecondary1
Definition skin.h:168
@ kWidgetSecondaryDisabled
Definition skin.h:170
@ kWidgetCenterLine
Definition skin.h:164
@ kWidgetSecondary2
Definition skin.h:169
const vital::StatusOutput * getStatusOutput(const std::string &name)
Retrieves a status output by name.
Definition synth_base.cpp:262
An interface class linking the Vital synthesizer backend (SynthBase) with a GUI.
Definition synth_gui_interface.h:56
SynthBase * getSynth()
Returns the SynthBase instance this interface is managing.
Definition synth_gui_interface.h:85
force_inline bool isClearValue(poly_float value) const
Checks if a given poly_float is the special "clear" value.
Definition synth_module.h:81
force_inline poly_float value() const
Returns the current status value.
Definition synth_module.h:49
A helper struct containing references to OpenGL context, shaders, and display scale.
Definition shaders.h:174
Represents a vector of floating-point values using SIMD instructions.
Definition poly_values.h:600
Provides various utility functions, classes, and constants for audio, math, and general-purpose opera...