15 class AudioRateEnvelope;
21 class RandomLfoModule;
72 void process(
int num_samples)
174 void createArticulation();
179 void createModulators();
186 void createFilters(
Output* keytrack);
191 void setupPolyModulationReadouts();
201 Output* beats_per_second_;
211 Output* midi_offset_output_;
A class for generating and storing a line shape, defined by a series of points and associated powers.
Definition line_generator.h:20
A VoiceHandler extension managing various modulation sources for effects processing.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.h:33
LineGenerator * getLfoSource(int index)
Retrieves a pointer to one of the internal LFO line generators.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.h:147
ModulationConnectionBank & getModulationBank()
Returns a reference to the modulation connection bank.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.h:139
void correctToTime(double seconds) override
Synchronizes internal modulator phases to a given absolute time.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.cpp:362
void disableUnnecessaryModSources()
Disables all modulation sources that are not strictly necessary.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.cpp:370
void prepareDestroy()
Prepares the object for destruction by removing all modulation processors.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.cpp:130
output_map & getPolyModulations() override
Returns a reference to the polyphonic modulation output map.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.cpp:404
virtual ~EffectsModulationHandler()
Default destructor. Cleans up allocated resources.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.h:43
Output * getDirectOutput()
Retrieves the direct output used for sub-mixing signals.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.h:154
virtual Processor * clone() const override
Creates a clone of this Processor. (Not implemented for EffectsModulationHandler).
Definition effects_modulation_handler.h:49
void disableModSource(const std::string &source)
Disables a specific modulation source by name.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.cpp:385
void init() override
Initializes internal processors and modulation sources.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.cpp:56
bool shouldAccumulate(Output *output) override
Indicates whether an Output should accumulate (sum) multiple voices.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.h:102
Output * midi_offset_output()
Returns a pointer to the MIDI offset output used in pitch computations.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.h:168
EffectsModulationHandler(Output *beats_per_second)
Constructs an EffectsModulationHandler given a beats-per-second output reference.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.cpp:23
void noteOff(int note, mono_float lift, int sample, int channel) override
Handles note-off events, ending envelopes and other modulation if needed.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.cpp:350
Output * note_retrigger()
Provides access to a note-retriggered output, triggered on each note-on event.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.h:161
void noteOn(int note, mono_float velocity, int sample, int channel) override
Handles note-on events, triggering envelopes and other modulation if needed.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.cpp:333
void process(int num_samples) override
Processes audio/midi data for a block of samples.
Definition effects_modulation_handler.cpp:293
A module that generates an envelope signal (ADSR-like) controlled by various parameters.
Definition envelope_module.h:17
A module that manages two filter modules and provides multiple routing configurations.
Definition filters_module.h:16
A module that generates a Low-Frequency Oscillation (LFO) signal from a LineGenerator source.
Definition lfo_module.h:18
A processor that maps a phase input through a line generator, producing a value and phase output.
Definition line_map.h:16
A container managing a fixed number of ModulationConnections.
Definition synth_types.h:87
Multiplies two input buffers sample-by-sample.
Definition operators.h:318
Base class for all signal-processing units in Vital.
Definition processor.h:212
force_inline Output * output(unsigned int index=0) const
Retrieves the Output pointer at a given index.
Definition processor.h:616
A module that produces random low-frequency oscillations (LFOs) for modulation purposes.
Definition random_lfo_module.h:16
A processor that outputs a random value on a trigger event.
Definition trigger_random.h:15
A SynthModule and NoteHandler that manages a pool of polyphonic voices, handles note-on/off logic,...
Definition voice_handler.h:380
force_inline Output * velocity()
Returns a pointer to velocity, the note-on velocity.
Definition voice_handler.h:634
force_inline Output * note()
Returns a pointer to the note Output, giving the current tuned note frequency or pitch.
Definition voice_handler.h:616
force_inline Output * channel()
Returns a pointer to channel, indicating the MIDI channel of the voice.
Definition voice_handler.h:631
force_inline Output * getAccumulatedOutput(Output *output)
Retrieves the accumulated Output associated with a given output pointer.
Definition voice_handler.h:665
force_inline Output * lift()
Returns a pointer to lift, the note-off velocity or release velocity.
Definition voice_handler.h:637
Control-rate multiplication of two values.
Definition operators.h:719
A control-rate variant of the Value processor.
Definition value.h:82
#define VITAL_ASSERT(x)
Definition common.h:11
Contains classes and functions used within the Vital synthesizer framework.
std::map< std::string, Output * > output_map
Maps parameter names to Output pointers, representing output signals from various modules.
Definition synth_types.h:229
constexpr int kNumRandomLfos
Number of random LFO sources (random modulation generators).
Definition synth_constants.h:25
constexpr int kNumEnvelopes
Number of envelope generators in Vital.
Definition synth_constants.h:22
constexpr int kNumLfos
Number of LFO sources available in the Vital synthesizer.
Definition synth_constants.h:13
float mono_float
Definition common.h:33
Holds and manages a buffer of samples (poly_float) for a Processor's output.
Definition processor.h:35
Defines the SynthModule class which extends ProcessorRouter to form a building block of the Vital syn...
Declares classes and data structures to handle polyphonic voices in Vital, including voice assignment...